The Second Piece

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   I ran up the street towards the Pokemon School with my buddy by my side just like I had done all those years ago. Except this time there was someone else running beside me. I walked into the courtyard and breathed the fresh Alola air in.

"Ash!" Before I had a chance to react I was tackled to the floor by a certain green haired girl.

"Mallow? It's nice to see you again." I went to stand up but she wouldn't let me. So I just sat there for a minute while she took it in. "Can I stand up now?"

"Huh, oh sorry, it's just I missed you alot."

"I've been getting that a lot. So where's everyone?"

"There inside waiting for you. Professor Kukui said he had a special guest so he asked us to meet you here."

"So that's why he asked me to come. Come to think of it. How are you and Kiawe holding up?"

"Oh, well we aren't together anymore. We haven't been for a long time."

"What why?"

"Well… let's say fire and water don't really mix."

"Oh… I'm sorry about that." She took a step back and shook her head.

"Don't be. We're still friends. It's just that. When you're with someone, people will do almost anything at the beginning to make sure the relationship works. But they can't keep it up forever and that's how long relationships fail. We looked towards the future and decided it wouldn't work. And it's also slightly my fault."

"How come?"

"Ash…" she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before speaking again. "I never stopped loving you…" I fell into a small state of shock. I also still loved her. But I moved on. I remembered my love for Serena. It was all too confusing right now. I watched and Mallow placed her arms around my neck and started to lean in. I snapped out of my trance and placed both of my hands on her shoulders.

"Mallow, the girl I told you about still holds my heart. But it's like I said I still love you and you will always hold a special place in my heart. You taught me how it is to love someone again. For that I will be forever grateful."

"I know, I couldn't help it though." She said with a bright smile. "Now come on. Everyone is waiting for the mystery guest." I walked in behind Mallow and I saw all of my old Alola friends.

"Hello everyone." I said with a smile.

"Ash!" Everyone yelled at the same time.nThe each came up to me and gave me a hug all except for Kiawe. I slowly turned to him and he stood there with a serious expression on his face.

""Hello Kiawe."  He kept staring at me. There was an odd feeling in the room. He then smiled and held his hand out.

"You better not be slacking off." I smiled and shook his hand.

"Still as competitive as always I see."

"Always. And I think you and I are late for a battle."

"Heh, maybe later. I have other things I need to do." I turned around and noticed someone missing. "Hey, where's Lillie?"

"Oh she went looking for her father, remember?" Lana spoke out. To be honest I had forgotten all about it.

"Well it's been nice seeing you all again, but I'm afraid I have to cut the celebrations short. Have any of you seen a shard like this one.!"
I pulled out the shard I had.

"Seen it? I have it." Kiawe walked up. Pulling it out of his pocket.

"Wh- how?"

"It was floating in the lava of Wela Volcano. So I got curious and pulled it out. I'm surprised it resisted all the heat."

"Amazing… but anyways I'm going to need it if you don't mind."

"I don't mind here." He handed it to me and I placed it next to the one I had.

"Actually I'm going to need that one, so hand it over." We all turned at the same time and saw R standing at the door with his Umbreon by his side.

"I already told you. I'm not giving you anything." Lucario and Pikachu ran up in front of me.

"What a shame. I was hoping we could be civil about this. Umbreon use Dark Pulse."

"Dodge and fight back with Electro Web and Aura Sphere." My partners jumped out of the way. Pikachu used his attack to hold Umbreon in place so Lucario had a clean shot hitting a direct shot.

"Not bad, but you'll have to do better." I watched as the smoke cleared and Umbreon didn't even have a single scratch. "Umbreon use Dark Pulse at it's full power. Then use Psychic.

Umbreon took a step forward and launched a Pulse so hard it knocked everyone off balance. Then I started to glow pink and I was unable to move.

"Like I said I really wanted to do this as civilly as possible but you are forcing my hand here." He paused for a second before looking at me dead in the eyes. "So hand them over before it gets worse."

"Right… How about a counter offer?"

"What is it?"

"How about I don't give you anything, Lucario, let's take it up a bit. Mega Evolve!" Since we didn't have a stone I used my Arua to break free and cause the Mega Evolution to happen.

"How… that's not possible." I rose to my feet and dusted myself off.

"Why not, you just saw it happen."

"Tch, Umbreon. Nasty Plot into Psychic. Hold them down."

A darker pink surrounded Lucario but I wasn't worried by it.

"Lucario. Let's go. HaaaaaaAHHHH!" An explosion happened where Lucario stood and when then the smoke around him blew away revealing my friend in his bonded form with Aura radiating from him. I took a second to look at myself and I was also radiating a safe of blue.

"How can one person do this!?"

"Lucario uses Force Palm!" Lucario thrust his hand forward sending a shockwave instantly knocking out the dark type Pokemon. "Do you want to keep going?"

"There will be no need. I understand when I'm beat." I recalled his partner and turned around. "Well played Ash Ketchum, but mark my words, I will get those shards no matter the cost. And you just started a war you won't win."

"We will see." He shrugged and walked away.

"Who was the guy?" Kiawe asked behind me.

"I don't really know, but I have to leave immediately." I turned around and gave them a small bow. "Thank you for everything. Lucario Pikachu, time to go back to Kalos."

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