April 9, 2011

76 1 0

6:20 am

Shower. It wasn't bad. I walked out fully decked in towels, and a matching towel head piece. Yesterday was not a bad day. I made a beautiful sculpture of a person crouched over in the fetal position. It's how I was feeling. Stacy and her friends were waving to me and dancing, so I blew them a kiss. It was kinda cute. Stacy is by far the sickest person in the unit. She must weigh less than 60 pounds. But she's such a sweetheart! I'm pretty sure I've gained some weight. In fact, I am sure. If I really dont like it, I can always lose it later. Not a healthy thought, I know. I think they're doing body mapping in a bit. Just talked to Jeanie, she's the b*tch that reminds me of Genevieve.  It went really well. I asserted myself, but with charm and fact. Mealtime is getting a bit easier to force down. I had a veggie burger, rice, carrots, and a slice of blueberry pie. A big one. I'm getting squishier. I am, however, learning how to deal with my anxiety and depression. I think my binging/purging/cutting will dramaticaly improve when I get home. However, I look to get back to my old weight too. And my veganism. God I absolutely despise dairy and eggs. Ugh, that grilled cheese sandwich almost killed me at lunch. Though, I'll admit, I do love hard boiled eggs. Sundays we don't do very much. Sit. Watch movies. Consume massive amounts of food. 2000 calories a day. I'd like to be eating a third of that. Wow, I just realized I haven't been outside in ages. Let's see, what other arbitrary things are floating around in my head! OH! Susan and Marie both feel my eating disorder is a way of me sympathising with my mother. I agree. Hopefully It'll be a thing of the past. Forgot to mention, I'm on Abilify now.

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