Febuary 9th, 2011

165 4 0

6:40 Am

Not much sleep last night, Uncle Tim was using the power tools all night. The 3 melatonins I popped did the trick at some point. When I'm cold, I tend to eat more. They keep the house at 70! Ya know, this isn't so bad. Not a lot of time to journal though. So I'll catch up really fast. Yesterday Mrs. Cross bought vegetable soup and salad especially for me. I had to eat it, if only to be polite. Felt a bit guilty afterwards. Hmmm...suppose that's it for now. K gtg finish getting ready!

5:48 Pm

There are a lot of surprising benefits to living with the Timmies as compared to Marie's. The garbage cans here are much bigger, and can hold more than 3 pieces of garbage. The house is kept at a minimum of 70 at all times. I have my own fridge. AND we eat dinner as a family, something I haven't had in quite some time. There is never a dull moment, and I find myself grateful for every moment I have to myself. However, the stircrazyness and boredom I was constantly experiencing are completely gone. There's not that constant tension is

the air that there often was at Marie's. I think these factors have been the main reason why I haven't binged once! Of course, there are the small children and Uncle Tim's rages to contend with. Anywho, we'll see if I can keep this optimistic mindset.


I got up, after not being able to sleep, with a hunger in my belly. And there it was; the bottle of maple syrup. And the cylinder of oats. And so I washed down 2 cups of oats with the entire bottle of syrup and almond milk, with a few carrots in between. And then I went to the bathroom, bent over the toilet, and stuck my fingers far into my throat. Maple syrup always was my downfall. Oy. Please never let this happen again. </3

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