Feburary 12th, 2011

153 2 0


I'm happy! Spring is so close I can taste it. I'm feeling renewed, you could say. I've been on a non-stop happiness streak. Being trapped inside with an anxious person 24/7 and being isolated from your friends and family can really mess with your head I guess. Me and Aunt Kelly have been bonding and chatting a lot. Infact, I've been bonding with everyone at some time or another, expecially Tim. And getting to school early enabled me to spend a lot more time with my friends. I'm beginning to develop a social life again. There's still the occasional anxiety attack/binge, but they're relitively infrequent. Still think Lexapro might be a good thing for me, though. OH! And I'm pretty damnned close to what I consider to be my "ideal weight". And all of that stupid crap I was worrying about...not even on my mind. K, haircut now. Ta


The appointment was moved to 12:50, me and baba are going for a walk in the woods! I feel like I've been out of my depression lately! Joy!


Just got back from a great walk. I just remembered my even steven lol.

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