Party 1

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Margarita steps out of the carriage and saw the venue of the flower garden party.
Her lips can't help but turn down.

"Young Miss." Laluna looks at Margarita's sour expression.

Margarita snorts.
"Of all the days in a year, they plan to view flowers in winter."

Laluna looks ahead.
The greenhouse of the invitee, Marquise Garnet, is known to be a wonderful place that has all the flowers blooming all year round.

Of course,they will
show off now that most of the flowers around the kingdom has wilted.

Margarita slowly steps down the carriage.

She was also invited last year but she used the Duke and Prince Dwayn's in the middle of the war to avoid the party.

Who would want to 'work' or socialize in winter?

But she is not going to say no again and alienate the Marquis's daughter, Lady Garnet. A Kind and obedient little girl that become a bit closer to Miguelito after spending some times together.

"Lady Frost!" Lady Garnet happily runs to greet Margarita.

Margarita smiles.
"Be careful."

Lady Garnet blushes.
In the high society, beauty is only secondary to what is important, the first is always the connection and the family power before beauty.
Yet Margarita is beautiful and her family's power is undeniably one of the strongest.

Lady Garnet sees Margarita as a diety.
Someone who is above everyone else.

Margarita smiles seeing Lady Garnet froze as she openly stares at her.

"Miss," Garnet's maid pulls her lady's skirt.

Lady Garnet blushes.


Lady Garnet's body freezes. This time her facial expression froze with her body.
It feels like her body is preparing for something to happen.

Margarita looks at the beautiful middle aged Marquise.
Her face is beautiful and her hair are neat and comb in a perfect brush up tie.

Her clothes sways as she walks and it stops when she stops.

"Good Day to you,Lady Frost." A smile spreads her lips and her right palm touches Lady Garnet's shoulder.
"Julia, what are you doing blocking the path of ous guest?"

"I-I am j-just greeting her Mo-mother."
Lady Garnet's eyes are lowered.
She is not trembling but she is visually shaken and frightened.

The woman looks at her and at Margarita.
"I apologize. She is not that good with her manners yet but she is getting there."

Margarita took tge fan in Laluna's hand.
"She is Miguelito's friend and I really like her energetic mood. It feels vibrant and relax so Marquise should not worry."

Marquise Garnet chuckles.
"Dear me, I am not saying anything bad toward my daughter. Do not think about it too much."

Margarita smiles.
"I never think of anything bad so I am not sure what you meant."

Marquise Garnet lips widen.
"It was cold here. Let's go inside."

"Okay." Margarita nods and let the Marquise lead the way.

Guests are already chatting on their tables.

Margarita is not surprise that she is in the same table as the hosts.

Emely walks toward their table.

Emely smiles at her.

Margarita looks at Emely.
After Emely pretend at the last party that they do not know each other, she thought that Emely is finally lying low yet she is here again.

But instead of feeling disgusted like you normally will feel, Margarita feels amused and funny toward this comedic woman who choose who she likes and dislike and change that the moment she feels like.

"Lady Argente."
Margarita nods at her.

Emely backs off a bit but decided to proceed anyways.
"I missed you."

Before Margarita can speak.
The Marquise taps the table.
"Lady Argente, please mind your manners?"

Margarita slowly close her mouth and ask Laluna to give her water.

Emely stares at Marquise Garnet.
"Madam, I am not being rude."

Marquise stares at her.
"I invited you here to watch and appreciate flowers and not so you can just walts in any table and chat ignoring the purpose of coming here." She sighs.
"Did your father not tell you anything about the society you live in?"

Emely gasps and her eyes welled up a bit.
"Why do you have to be very mean toward me?"
Marquise rang a bell instead of answering.

Margarita's lips twitch a bit.

Emely was stunned to see a lot of maids coming to serve tea. The Marquise starts introducing plants after plants the maids are bringing.

Emely can only sat down and listen to the Marquise.

Margarita doesn't like the Marquise too much but she thinks her way of handling Emely is superb.

Margarita Frost 2Where stories live. Discover now