What Should I Do?

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Jade's POV:

Later that Night

I sat on top of the bed while Alonzo was changing into his pajamas. I couldn't get past what had happened today with my father and I needed to vent to someone. This whole matter with my father had really gotten to me. How did he think things would go? Did he possibly consider that I would be excited to see him again especially after what he did to me? I rolled my eyes at the very thought. 

"What do you think I should do?" I asked. "Should I really believe him? If I take the money does that make me weak? Alonzo, are you listening to me?"

Alonzo came out of the bathroom dressed in his pajama pants. Seeing him without his shirt on made my mouth salivate and sent goosebumps up and down my spine. I felt my cheeks turning red as a warmth came over me. 

"Don't worry darling, I'm listening," Alonzo assured me as he kissed my lips before joining me on the bed. 

I placed my hand on my belly and rubbed it softly. 

"What should we do?" 

"The better question is what do you feel comfortable doing?"

"I'm conflicted," I admitted. "I have strong anger toward him. After all, he was ashamed of me at the time and sent me off to marry to spare his reputation. No offense, hon."

"None was taken," Alonzo confirmed. "I agree with you." 

"On the other hand, he is my father and I do love him," I continued. "Deep down."

"It would seem you have an idea of what you would like to do," Alonzo said as he kissed my shoulder. 

"I think he should move in with us," I began. "That way I can take care of him but that would also give him the opportunity to spend time with his grandchildren."

"I think that is a great idea,"

"Then we agree," I mumbled. 

"It would seem so," He smiled. 

"Alright, I'll talk with him tomorrow. I will get all his matters in order and then we will have him move in with us," I explained. "I hope this won't backfire."

Alonzo rolled his eyes and gently laid me on my back while he hovered over me. It was an uncomfortable position. He stroked my cheek softly and looked into my eyes. Why is he so perfect? 

"Don't worry, everything will work out the way it is supposed to," He guaranteed. "I don't want you to stress yourself out regarding this though. It's not good for you or the baby. I'll have my folks help you out and I will do what I can."

"Why are you so good to me?"

"Because I love you with all I got," He answered. 

"I don't see how. Pregnancy doesn't exactly go well for me."

"What are you talking about? You're a knockout." Alonzo chuckled. "I think you are one anyway."

I rolled my eyes. 

"Help me up lover boy," I instructed. "I'm getting tired and laying on my back ain't gonna do me any justice."

"I'll help ya up but you gotta do me a favor." He countered. 

"And what favor would that be?"

"I think you know what I mean," He hinted. 

I blushed. 

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