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Jade's POV:

I was headed to the barn to grab my saddle because I was going to go for a ride since Alonzo's parents were watching the girls. I began lifting up my saddle when I heard two faint voices coming from the loft. I couldn't make out the voices at first so I walked over to the stairs and slowly went up. Before I turned the corner, I realized it was my father and Alonzo's voices. I peeked around the corner and saw the both of them facing each other. I could tell by their face expressions that they are having a serious conversation. 

I thought about interrupting their conversation but I eventually decided that waiting and actually seeing what their conversation was about would be better.

"Alonzo please, it is my dying wish that you tell her," My father begged. 

"I can't!" Alonzo snapped. "It can ruin everything that I have!"

"You owe it to Jade to tell her the truth!" My father pleaded. "She can't go through this marriage with a blind eye."

Alonzo appeared to be torn. He put his hands on his hips and turned to not face my father. I was so curious as to what Alonzo was keeping from me. I have a strong urge to determine what he is hiding from me. 

"I can't lose her! I love Jade so much." Alonzo confessed.

"Which is why you need to tell her," My father urged.

"And how do you propose I do that?" Alonzo asked. "You want me to pull her to the side and tell her that my daughters are my flesh and blood because of a drunken night where I got your daughter pregnant!"

My heart sank and started to pound so fast. I was hit with a bus of shock. I instantly ran down the stairs not even caring if Alonzo or my father could hear me. I sprinted over to Diablo and hopped on his back. I grabbed the reins and made Diablo gallop off before anyone could stop me. I had no care in the world. Tears flooded my eyes as I rode off.


Alonzo's POV:

I hear loud footsteps go down the stairs. Mr. Scott and I turned our heads towards the sound. I walked over to the staircase and caught a glimpse of Jade. I instantly ran after Jade, sprinting down the staircase.

"Who was it?" Mr Scott yelled. 

"It's Jade," I shouted back. 

I ran after her and shouted her name but by the time I got out of the barn, she had already rode off with Diablo. I threw my arms above my head and fought back tears. I didn't know what to do. When I looked over at the porch, I saw my girls watching their mom ride off while my mother held a rag in her hand by the door. 

I was so angry yet upset at the same time. I walked back into the stable and opened Whiskey's stall door. I put the harness on his head and led him out. I started grooming him quickly so that I could tack him up. Mr. Scott hobbled down the stairs.

"Are you going after her?" He asked.

"I am not losing her!" I snapped.

Mr. Scott placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Regardless of what you have done, if you were my son, you would have made me proud," He admitted. "You stepped up and took responsibility to provide for her and make the best of the situation. Most men wouldn't have blinked twice."

He stepped back from me so that I could mount my horse. I trotted out of the barn before galloping off in the direction that Jade took off in. 

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