So Close

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Jade's POV:

My daughters were sitting in the living room. Arabella was playing with her toys while Annamae watched television, oblivious to what was going on. Misty and Hunter, the dogs, dashed into the kitchen, followed by Dylan.

"Howdy there, cowboy," I said as I set a sandwich on the table for Dylan.

"Thank you, Jade," Dylan said as he started eating the sandwich.

"And where is that husband of mine?" I asked.

Dylan explained, "He's still unloading the truck. I'd still be out there with him, but my stomach was growling."

I burst out laughing. I emerged from behind the counter and entered the pantry. I took out a bag of chips and set it in front of Dylan.

"Can you keep an eye on the girls until I get back?" I asked.

"Of course," Dylan said, his mouth full of food.

I hurried out to the barn, where I saw my darling husband, shirtless, unloading the rest of the hay from the truck. I leaned against the fence, watching my sweaty, sexy husband unload the trailer and stack the hay in the barn. My mouth was watering.

"What are you up to over there, cowboy?" I yelled.

Alonzo came to a halt and looked in my direction. When he realized it was me, he smiled. He sat on the trailer's edge and leaned back on his hands, displaying his chiseled abdomen.

I began walking toward Alonzo, and when I arrived, I stood between his legs, my hands on his thighs.

I smirked, "I hear you're starving your friend. You should not starve him."

"Oh, I am guilty of starving Dylan," he admitted.

We locked our gazes on each other.

"Let's go for a ride," I said quietly.

Alonzo was unsure.

"I've got to put all of these away, darlin'," Alonzo said.

"All right, let me rephrase that: we're going for a ride," I said again. "Saddle Whiskey and Diablo while I go back and tell Dylan to babysit."

Whiskey and Diablo had only their reins on when I returned from the house, and Alonzo was holding them.

"I thought I told you to saddle them," I verified.

"What? You can't hold on?" Alonzo grinned.

I snatched the reins from his grasp and jumped on Diablo with a single swing of my leg. Soon after, Alonzo did the same just with less flare.

"So, where are we headed?" Alonzo yelled.

"Cowboy, follow me!" I said this before galloping away.

Alonzo and I rode out to the property's private campground, which was surrounded by trees and accompanied by a tall pile of rocks. We dismounted and tied our horses to a low tree branch.

"When did you discover this?" Alonzo inquired.

"I discovered it on one of my trail rides," I explained.

"I like it," Alonzo said.

Alonzo started a fire, and before we knew it, we were sitting side by side on a log in front of the campfire. We found ourselves staring at the sky.

"It's so lovely out," I said quietly.

"It is," Alonzo agreed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Our eyes were linked and we struggled to separate them. I rose from my seat and took a few steps in front of Alonzo. I drew my shirt up over my head and tossed it to the ground. He stood up and took slow steps towards me, staring me down from head to toe. When I extended my hand to him, his fingers entwined with mine. We were lying on the ground, and he carefully crawled atop my body, caressing my skin.

"I have to tell you something, Jade," Alonzo began.

"What exactly is it?" I cracked a smile.

Alonzo appeared to be torn. He appeared to be in the wrong.

"I love you and the girls. I don't know what I did to deserve you," he muttered, squeezing open-mouth kisses from under my jaw down my neck, pausing in a few spots to nip and suck. 

As he moved away from my neck and further down, the tenderness with which he touched me elicited soft whimpers and breathy gasps from me. He ripped my pants off and unbuckled my belt before working his way down my stomach and the inside of my right thigh.

"I love you, too," I said. "If you could give me a son, I'd love you even more."

Alonzo raised his head and smiled.

"My wife gets whatever she wants," he murmured before continuing.

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