An Incident

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Jade's POV:

I watched Alonzo ride the bull from the stadium stands. He had almost reached eight seconds on the bull when all of a sudden, the rope that he held broke apart causing Alonzo to fly off the back of the bull and hit the ground. I instantly shot up from my seat and began running toward the arena. The rodeo clowns instantly tried to distract the bull and move him away from Alonzo. 

I hopped over the railing and jumped down into the arena bowl. I instantly ran over to Alonzo and slid to his side. 

"Alonzo!" I cried. 

Before I could gently roll Alonzo onto his back, I was pushed away and held back by the first responders who were on stand by. Tears slid down my cheeks while my heart ached with pain. Minutes that felt like hours went by. 

Alonzo was loaded up into an ambulance and I quickly hopped in the back with him. I was a complete mess. Tears and all. When we arrived at the hospital, Alonzo was taken out of the ambulance and rushed by several nurses and a doctor. I couldn't go with them so I waited impatiently in the lobby. I called his parents to inform him of the incident. 

I was in the waiting room crying when I heard my name called. I looked up and saw Alonzo's parents. His mom held Arabella while his father rushed over to me and gave me a big hug. 

"How are you holding up?" He asked. 

"I'm not gonna lie," I began. "I'm pretty broken right now."

"Have the doctors told you anything?"

"No, not yet," I answered, as she gently handed me, Arabella. 

I tried to hold back the tears while I held my daughter. 

"The Travis Family." A doctor called. 

All three of us headed over to the doctor.

"You're the Travis family?" She asked. 

"Yes," I replied. "I'm his wife and these are his parents."

"I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances." The doctor continued. "We did X-rays and an MRI which revealed that Alonzo has a broken arm and fractured ribs. This is a serious injury that will take months of healing. I want to keep him overnight just to make sure everything is alright, just as a precaution."

"Thank you, doctor." His parents thanked him. 

"May I see him?" I asked. 

"Of course, you all are welcome to go back. Its room 407."

The doctor walked off.

"Would you mind if I had a few moments with him before you head back?" I asked. 

"Of course," His parents agreed. 

I gently gave Arabella back to her grandparents while I headed back to Alonzo's hospital room. When I got there, I saw Alonzo laying in the hospital bed. His right arm was in a white cast while there was ice near his left ribs. 

I broke down crying once I saw him.

"Don't cry," Alonzo instructed. "I'm fine."

I walked over to his bedside and held his hand tightly. 

"Don't cry, honey," Alonzo replied. 

"You scared the shit out of me!" I chuckled as I gently sat on the side of his bed. 

"I know," Alonzo whispered. 

"This stress isn't good for me." I snapped.

"I know, I'm s-" Alonzo paused. "Why isn't this stress good for you?"

I looked at Alonzo with soft eyes. I tried to hide my smile so I looked down while I fiddled with his fingers. 

"I'm pregnant, Alonzo. About two months along." I announced. 

"What?! Jade, this is exciting!" Alonzo exclaimed. "Wait a minute, you knew you were pregnant yet you still competed?!"

I didn't know what to say. I am relieved that Alonzo is gonna be alright and that our family is gonna get bigger especially since Alonzo is excited about the new baby. I leaned in and gently placed my lips on Alonzo's so that I can give him a quick kiss. 

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