Hey, Little...

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Alonzo's POV:

The nurse turned around holding the baby in her arms after she was done cleaning her. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach when I saw the pink blanket. Time froze as I looked at the baby in the nurse's arms. Then, she gently placed the baby in my arms. I looked down at my little girl, whose eyes were shut tight. She was the prettiest little thing I have ever seen. She had ten toes and fingers. She is perfect! 

I slowly walked over to Jade, who removed the oxygen mask from her face. I gently placed our daughter on her chest. Jade rested her left hand on the back of the baby, while I gave Jade a quick kiss on the lips. The two of us began to tear up. I finally had my family. 

"What are you two gonna name her?" one of the nurses asked.

I looked at Jade not knowing what to say. After all this time, we never once discussed names. It completely skipped our minds. 

"Her name is Arabella," Jade answered. 

"That's beautiful!" exclaimed the nurse. 

"Are you sure?" I whispered.

"She was born on April 2, 2019." Jade continued. "And I wanted a name that started with an A after her father."

The name was perfect for our little girl and the meaning meant even more. Everything was perfect at this moment. I have a wife that I love so much and now a daughter to raise and care for. I never thought I would have all of this but I am glad that I do. Jade put the mask back over her face and slowly closed her eyes. The nurses rushed over to her, to make sure she was alright. 

"Is she alright?" I asked. 

"Yes, she just needs a lot of rest." the nurse replied. "The first pregnancy is sometimes the hardest."

I gently picked up Arabella from Jade's chest and set her in a comfy bassinet. Both of my girls were asleep. I didn't know what to do so I walked out of the room to tell Dylan and my parents the good news. I went out into the waiting room and saw them all sitting down in the chairs. 

My mom spotted me and jumped out of her seat while exclaiming, "Alonzo!"

Dylan stood up along with my father. We grouped in a circle. 

"We have a girl!" 

"Oh my gosh!" my mom said with such excitement. 

"Congratulations bro!" Dylan said as he hugged me. 

"How is Jade doing?" my father asked. 

"Jade is tired but Arabella and she are both fine. The nurses aren't worried about anything."

"When can we see them?" 

"Why don't y'all come back around dinner," I suggested. "Jade should be up and we can all eat together."

"Alright, we will be back soon then." my mom assured. "Is there anything, in particular, you would like to eat?"

"No, anything is fine."

My parents and Dylan left the waiting room, while I headed back to Jade's room. Both of them were still asleep, so I sat down in a chair and before I knew it, I too fell asleep. 

When I woke up, I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed that I have been asleep for three hours. I looked over at Jade, who was awake with Arabella in her arms. I slowly stood up and walked over to Jade and Arabella. 

"What did I miss?" I asked. 

"Oh nothing much," Jade began. "She was just fed and now she is sleeping. How did you sleep?"

"Just fine," I replied. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm perfectly content. That nap helped." 

I leaned down to kiss Jade. Our lips met and started moving in sync with each other. I gave her one more kiss before stopping. Just then, my parents gently knocked on the doorway. I looked over at saw that they even brought food. 

"Come on in," I said. 

My parents came in and set the food down as quickly as they could. My mom rushed over to Jade, gently hugging her, before looking at Arabella. Dylan and my dad stood next to me while the girls were together. 

"Would you like to hold her?" Jade asked. 

"Are you sure? I don't want to wake her." 

"It's fine, she is a heavy sleeper," Jade promised as she gently passed Arabella to my mother. 

"Oh Jade, she is so precious." my mother complimented. 

I looked around and couldn't believe that I had all of this. I knew that I was truly blessed to have all of this and I am going to do everything I can to keep this. 

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