My Little Girl

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Jade's POV:

My pregnancy was coming to an end, and the discomfort was becoming unbearable. When I awoke at two a.m., I silently exited from my bedroom and entered the family room, where I sat on the couch. I sat there for a few minutes, trying to find a comfortable posture to fall asleep in, but the baby was having none of it, kicking me the second I fell asleep. It wasn't long until I heard footsteps down the corridor. I expected to see Alonzo but instead found my father. 

"What are you up to?" he inquired, surprised.

"I'm nine months pregnant, and I'm lucky if I get a full night's sleep," I joked. "What is your excuse?"

"Cancer makes it difficult to sleep," he said as he took a seat across from me on the couch.

After that, I didn't say anything. Instead, I gently rubbed my stomach.

He exclaimed, "Jade, I'm proud of you. I'm sorry for what I did to you, but I'm proud of the person you've become and the life you've created. I'm sure your mother is as well."

"Why did you do it?" I asked, lowering my head and fighting back tears.

He promptly replied, "For pride. I thought it was necessary to save my pride, which was foolish because I abandoned you when you needed me most."

I began, "I despised you for doing this to me. But at the same time, I'm glad things worked out this way because I know now that I wouldn't be married to an incredible man with our lovely daughter if it hadn't been for what you did."

"Please accept my apologies, Jade." He expressed regret. "I know I can't make up for what I did, but just know that after I depart, you'll have everything."

I shook my head and said, "Don't talk about that."

"I'm running out of time, Jade." He let out a sigh.

"Perhaps not, but you have plenty of time to get to know your granddaughter and, hopefully, your grandson." I sobbed.

"You're having a boy?" He exclaimed.

"I had to know this time around," I responded with a nod, "but you can't say anything to Alonzo!"

My father promised me, "He won't hear anything from me."

"My little girl," he said as he stood up and kissed me on the head.

As he returned to his bed, I burst out crying. Before Alonzo discovered I wasn't in bed, I sat on that couch for hours. Alonzo assisted me in getting off the couch and into bed, where he caressed and comforted me. His warmth was exactly what I needed to relax.

"Are you all right?" Alonzo spoke in hushed tones.

"I believe so," I said.

He said, "I adore you."

I replied, "I love you too. However, if you knock me up again, I'm going to murder you."

Before kissing my cheek and falling asleep, he laughed.


Alonzo's POV:

When my alarm went off, I quickly switched it off so Jade could get some rest. I left the bedroom and went down to the hall to start the coffee maker when I stopped outside of Arabella's bedroom. I quietly opened the door and peeked inside, only to find my little girl fast asleep in her bed. It brought a smile to my face.

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