I Can't Control Myself

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Alonzo's POV:

The next day, I woke up and got dressed for the day. Jade must have got up earlier than me because she wasn't in our bedroom. Once I was ready for the day, I went into the kitchen, where Jade was washing the dishes in the sink. She looked all nice in her outfit with her hair brushed down. I didn't know what to say to her, especially after last night. So, I decided not to bring it up and hop up on the counter, while I watched her do the dishes.

"Morning." Jade greeted. 

"Good morning," I replied. "Your rocking those heels."

"Thank you for the compliment." Jade thanked. "I thought I looked nice for being a pregnant lady."

"I just mean in general," I added. "On another note, are you ready for the birthing class this morning?"

Jade stopped what she was doing. She slowly turned around, as she dried her hands with a towel.

"What birthing class?" she asked.

"The one that is in two hours," I answered. "Did you forget?"

"Maybe." Jade smiled.

"Go grab your purse and meet me outside," I said.

Jade quickly walked off, to grab her purse, while I went outside and pulled my truck up. By the time, I pulled up, Jade was waiting at the bottom of the porch for me. I hopped out of the driver's seat and walked over to the passenger side, where I helped Jade into my truck. Once we were in the truck, we started making our way into town, where the birthing class was located. 


Jade's POV:

Alonzo and I waited in an open room, with four other couples, for the birthing class to start. I felt uncomfortable here. A few of the expecting mother's kept staring at me and I didn't even know why. It made me anxious to get out of here. 

Alonzo eventually noticed my behavior and took my hand. "Are you alright?" he asked. 

"Why are they staring at me?" I whispered. 

"Perhaps it has something to do with the way you look," Alonzo suggested.

"What? Why would that be it? I don't look slutty!"

"It's not that. You are four months pregnant and are wearing heels." Alonzo began. "Look at what they are wearing. Yoga pants, leggings, and sneakers."

That's when I finally realized what the situation was. I felt like a complete idiot once Alonzo pointed that out for me. How could I not see that?

"Or perhaps it is because of you?" I teased. "They probably weren't expecting a tall and handsome cowboy to walk up in here."

Just then, the birthing instructor walked in and said, "Good morning y'all, my name is Shelly and I will be your birthing instructor."

I knew right then and there that I wasn't going to like this class at all. 

"Alright, let's start off with some breathing exercises, so men sit down with your legs out and the ladies will sit criss-cross applesauce in front of you."

"Oh boy," I mumbled, as Alonzo sat down on the ground, with his legs out. 

I was hesitant to even do this, but I didn't want everyone in the class looking at me so I sat down and backed myself closer to Alonzo. 

"Now men, I want you to gently place your hands on your partner's diaphragm," Shelly instructed. "Once that is done, ladies place your hands over your partner's hand and take a few deep breaths."

I had chills shooting up and down my spine, once Alonzo put his hands gently on me. What's wrong with me? I couldn't stop thinking about his warm skin on mine. It was like I was transported to a different dimension. 

Once the birthing class ended, Alonzo and I were walking in a hallway, when I saw a bathroom coming up. I quickly pushed the door open and pulled Alonzo in, by his shirt. I quickly shut the door behind us and locked the door. Then, I dropped my purse on the ground and backed Alonzo up against the wall. 

It wasn't long before my lips came crashing down on his. At first, Alonzo tried to stop me, but he eventually gave in and our lips started moving in sync with each other.  It wasn't long before I gently placed my hands on the back of his neck, and moved them down to his shoulder. 

I felt his hands move down to my thighs

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I felt his hands move down to my thighs. He lifted me up from the ground, so I wrapped my legs around his waist, as we continued to kiss each other. I eventually pulled away, so I could catch my breath. Both of us took several deep breaths, as we regained the air we lost. 

I looked at Alonzo and gave him one more kiss before he set me back down on the ground. I picked up my purse and said, "We better head home."

"Wait a minute." Alonzo laughed, as he pursued me out of the bathroom. 

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