Chapter 11

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Brenna's POV

I woke up to a wave crashing over me. I open my eyes to see I'm on a beach. Well this isn't the first time I've washed up on a beach. My only worry is I don't know which beach I'm at. I could just be in Florida or I could be half way around the world. I get up and look around. Nothing looks familiar. I check my pockets to see if I have my phone. Nope it wouldn't work even if I did have it. I don't even know what day it is. I look out at the horizon and it calms me.

I just stare at the sea for a little while before I decide to make my way home. I go to the nearest path to get off the beach. The path leads to a little neighborhood full of little beach houses. I look at the street signs, I still don't recognize any of them. I keep walking until I stumble upon a shopping center. I remember going here once. I still barely know where I am. I keep walking and try to spot anything that looks familiar. As I keep walking, everything starts looking more and more familiar. I know where I am now. It's still a long walk home. Why was I at the beach in the first place and what was I doing? I don't remember anything. I look up at the sky to see that it's going to get dark soon. Oh that's just great. I'm in a bad part of town and now it's getting dark well my luck is just amazing.

As I'm walking, I start to hear noises behind me but every time I turn around nothings there. I hear a stick break behind me so I quickly turn around. Nothing is there but a bush is moving. Maybe I'm just paranoid. There is always a chance that someone could be following me. I continue walking. Maybe if I quickly turn around whatever is following won't expect it and I can find out if something or someone is chasing me. I quickly turn around and see nothing. That's a relief. I'm starting to get cold because I'm still soaking wet and it's getting colder as it gets darker. It's almost completely dark out there's just a little sunlight left. The moon isn't even shining bright tonight. There aren't any street lights so when that last little bit of light goes away it's gonna be pitch black. I'm not scared of the dark in general but when I'm outside alone in a bad part of town at night then I'm scared.


I make it home alive! I walk up to my front door and try to open the door but it's locked. Are you serious? I'm still wet and my parents are going to kill me for being out so long. I ring the doorbell. Oh crap. My mom answers the door. She looks mad.

"Brenna, what the hell happened to you?" My mom yells.

"I don't know" I say. I try to sneak past her but she stops me. I see my family staring from the other room.

"Don't step into my house until you're dry" my mom says.

"What?" I ask.

"I'll let you in when you're dry" she says and slams the door.

Great well its going to take all night for me to dry. I realize that I'm not even wearing shoes. What if there's school tomorrow and I have homework. I'm still really confused. Wait, the back door might be unlocked. I walk around my house to the back. I wiggle the door handle and the door opens. I open the door and see my little brother standing there staring at me.

"Brenna what are you-" he says but I cut him off.

"Shhh" I say.

"What?" He asks.

"Be quiet" I say and sneak to the stairs. I make it up to my room and check my phone to see what day and what time it is. It's 7:23 PM on a Saturday. Oh. Well that's a relief. I also see that I have two texts from Will.

Will: Hey

Will: Are you okay?

Brenna: What?

What does he mean by am I okay. Wait. Does he know what happened at the beach?

Brenna: Do you know what happened today?

No response. Of course. I need to change out of my wet clothes and clean up. I take a shower and change into my pajamas since I won't be doing anything else today. I go on YouTube and watch videos until I fall asleep.


Pax east in two weeks!! I'm so excited.


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