Chapter 24

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Brenna's POV

Another Monday. Why do Mondays have to exist? At least I get to miss Friday because PAX is this week. I am so excited to meet everyone. There is not a word in the English language to explain how excited I am. The best part is the fact that I get to stay in the cube house! I was already freaking out that I got to talk to some of them on team speak. Oh wait, I LIVE with one of them. I must be dreaming. I pinch myself just to be sure that this is real. I am defiantly awake. I am so tired because I only go two hours of sleep last night but the excitement should keep me awake during school.  I was originally saving up for PAX to meet Will but I’ve already met him. I should probably start getting ready for school now. I get up and put on a short sleeve shirt and shorts. I wear flip flops since it’s supposed to be really hot today. I brush my hair and pull it back into a high pony tail. I don’t apply any make up because I’m too lazy. I run down stairs and I jump from the fifth stair up causing me to make a huge bang. That probably woke my whole family up but I don’t care because they’re supposed to be up in an hour anyway.

“Brenna, did you fall down the stairs again?” Will shouts from upstairs.

“No” I yell back. I can’t believe he remembered when I first fell down the stairs. That was so embarrassing. I forget about it and start looking for something to eat. I grab a bagel and some cream cheese. I sit down and start spreading the cream cheese on one half of the bagel. As I spread the cream cheese, Will comes downstairs glued to his phone. He's been on his phone a lot more lately. He has also been ignoring me.

I finish my bagel and go back upstairs to brush my teeth and get everything I need for school. When I come back downstairs, Will is still standing in the same place on his phone. I don't bother waiting for him so I just leave. When I got outside, I noticed that it was dark and gloomy. I thought it was supposed to be sunny today. I hope it doesn’t rain because it makes traffic bad which makes it almost impossible to cross the street. In order to get out of my neighborhood, I need to cross a busy street with no stoplights so I need to wait for a time when no cars are coming but when it rains there is never any opportunity to cross. I swear all the traffic comes right when the first rain drop falls. I could honestly care less about getting wet.

 I approach the busy street, but thankfully today it wasn’t busy. Before I cross, I look back to see if Will was coming. There was no sign of him. I shrugged and began to cross. As I was crossing, I noticed a dead opossum on the side of the road. It’s sad to see that so many animals die because of cars. This is one reason why I don’t like cars. I continue walking to school. Along the way, I see Derek’s little sister. I still find it hard to believe that they’re related because she’s so sweet and Derek is so mean. She waves to me and I wave back.

I finally make it to school right when the door opens. I head in with the huge crowd that was waiting. I go to my locker and unpack my text books and binders. I grab my materials for my fist class and shove my backpack into my small locker. I search for a pencil in my pencil case but I have nothing in there but sharpies and highlighters. I look around and I spot a sharpened pencil in the middle of the floor. I pick up the pencil and head to class. I put my things down and realize I have 10 minutes until class starts. I walk out of the classroom and go back to my locker and grab my phone. I head to the bathroom to use it because if a teacher sees me with it then they will take it away. I scroll through Instagram and Twitter until it’s time for class to start. I quickly run back to my locker and put my phone away. I make it back into the classroom just in time. I notice that Will still hasn’t showed up. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was still standing in the same place staring at his phone.


It is lunchtime and Will still hasn’t showed up yet. I am really only worried about the fact that he could still be on his phone completely oblivious that school started four hours ago. I guess that means that I need to sit alone at lunch again. I don’t really mind it anymore. I would sit with Mariah and her friends but I don’t like her friends. I go back to my locker to get my lunch but I realize that I forgot to pack one. I don’t have any money to get a school lunch. Now I have to sit at a big table all by myself with nothing to do for thirty minutes. I head to the cafeteria and sit down at the table I always sit at.


Finally my boring history teacher dismisses class and I gather my stuff and rush out. School is finally over. Only three more days until PAX. I’m so excited. This week is going by really slow so far. I hope I don’t miss anything on the days I’m gone because it’s going to be a pain to make up. I make my way to my locker still thinking about this weekend. I pack up my backpack and grab a pen to write all of my homework on my hand. I grab my backpack and throw it over my right shoulder and head out of the building. I start walking home.

I come home to see Will laying on the couch watching TV.

“Where were you today?” I asked him.

“I didn’t feel like going to school today so I stayed here” he says.

“Um okay then…” I say and go upstairs. I’m guessing he was still on his phone and when he finally realized that there was school it was too late. Hopefully he recorded some videos or at least done something productive while he was here all day.


The weather today is so nice so maybe I should take advantage of it before it gets too hot. It is winter and its 80 degrees outside. I decide to go skateboarding around the neighborhood. I really should be more active but there’s this thing called the internet that keeps me inside all day. I go back downstairs to see that Will hasn’t moved an inch. I just walk by. I’m surprised my parents haven’t gotten onto him yet. I go out to my garage and grab my skateboard and helmet. Hopefully I don’t die because I haven’t done this in about a year.


Well, I survived with only one scraped knee. I head back inside and Will is still laying there on the couch. This is getting out of hand. I stand right in front of the TV.

“Move” he says.

“No you need to move” I say. I turn the TV off using the buttons on it and walk over and grab the remote form Will’s hand.  

“You need to get off your lazy butt and do something” I say.

“Fine” he says and grabs his phone.

“I don’t see you moving” I say.

“I will soon” he says. I stand and wait for him to do something. This is like watching paint dry. He finally gets up and walks out the door rubbing against me as he goes.

“Well bye” I say as he’s half way out the door. That was rude. At least he moved.


I check the time and see that it’s 3:26 AM. Crap. I have school tomorrow. This PAX hype is keeping me awake. I take my headphones off and plug in my phone to charge. I change into my pajamas and brush my teeth. I get in bed and try to fall asleep. I can’t sleep so I check Twitter one last time. As I scroll through, I get a notification that someone started following me. I looked to see who it was. IT WAS BAYANI! I can’t believe he actually followed me. Well I guess I’ll be staying with him and few other cube members at PAX and I’ve talked to him a few times. I screenshotted it and posted it with the caption “OMG!” It’s now 4:00 AM and I still need to get some sleep. I put my phone away and close my eyes.


Sorry for not updating in forever I’m just really lazy

Also sorry for this chapter being kinda boring but it’s just a filler chapter so the story should get more interesting soon


I luv you all thanks for all the support and hopefully I will update more frequently





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