ch.11: i went to far.

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"I'm not done with you yet." He pulls you off of him setting you on the bed. "Spread your legs " he says walking towards a black box. " ko I'm tired. We did it so much today." You groaned at the  Soreness in your throat. " I know baby , we're gonna try something new , give me 3 more and we'll be done . Can you do that." You'd be lying if you said you didn't want more of him. " ok."

He set the black box on the bed opening the lid. Pulling out restraints , a bar spreader, and a large black dildo. " when did you get this stuff." You were shocked that he even had it. " I wanted to try it . You ok with this baby . "  " yes I'm ok with it." He took the bar spreader attaching it to your legs.  It had cuffs for your hands so you wouldn't be able to squirm or move . It gave him full access. He ran his fingers up your slit . " fuck your so wet. Did you like getting fucked my future teammate." You liked the idea of getting into trouble so you decided to be a brat. " yes , he fucked me so much better than you did."

Bokutos eyes became low and dull , his feral side now out ready to destroy you. He didn't say anything. He grabbed your throat and slammed into you , his strokes at an inhumane speed. "FUCK." You screamed, not expecting him to enter you immediately.  Your couldn't move your hands or close your legs he had you trapped. " I'm gonna cum." The tears flowing out of your eyes. "Cum on my dick you filthy slut." His finger rubbed your clit , you jerked at the contact, Cumming as you squeezed around him." Your so fucking tight." He never slowed down not caring that you'd already reached your release. " please slow down , it's sensitive." " shut the fuck up and take it. You think omi fucks you better than me. You ungrateful little whore."  He twitched  Cumming in you as He pulled out, and flipped you onto your stomach.  The bar keeping  your back arched for you ,your hands underneath you due to the cuffs on the bar.

He slide into you,  as his strokes increased. All you could do was whimper and moan. "I let you fuck my freind and this is how you repay me." A hard slap came across your ass. " this pussy I'm fucking is mine. You belong to me and no one else. No one will ever fuck you as good as I will. I'm gonna make you understand that." Another slap. " shit." You whined at the pain. " cum." You didn't do it immediately,  you weren't there yet. A slap broke you out of your daze. " what did I say . Cum." He was hitting you g-spot constantly. You came as he continued to fuck you . Shaking from the sensitivity. " Bo please no more." " shut up . You did this , you want to be a brat so you'll get treated like one. He pulled out going to get his boxers , sliding them on. You relaxed enjoying the break you were getting.  Although it didn't last long. You felt something enter you except it wasn't bokuto. You clenched around it as it plunged into your sensitive pussy. You felt something cold touch your clit. You jerked as you felt vibrations on your clit. " Kotaro  please its too much." He didn't care . He kept pushing the dildo in and out of you keeping the vibrator on your clit. " look at you . Such a slut getting off on a fake dick. " the ball in your stomach relased as you came.  But he didn't stop. You knew the feeling you were having. Your body began trying to push him out. But he forced you to take it."  stop trying to fucking push me out and take it. You know what I want . Give it to me." You focused on cumming again hoping he would stop . The pleasure was too much for you. You came  again this time a clear liquid shooting out with it. " good girl come on squirt some more I know your can." The vibrator still on your clit, dildo still stroking in and out of you." Bo please no more I can't.  It's too much." He didn't listen continuously pushing the dildo into you pushing the vibrator on your clit. "Red" you said it in a hush tone low enough for u to hear. Your tears stained the sheets. His movements stopped . "What did u say." He was in shock not knowing what to do. " red. Please no more." You were sobbing at this point. He didn't hurt you. You were just overwhelmed.

He immediately pulled the dildo out of you. Removing the vibrator and spreading bar as well putting them in the box. He immediately took you in his arms holding you as you sobbed. " I'm sorry baby I took it to far . I'm so sorry. " he never wanted to hurt you He was just jealous. But he didn't hurt you . You just couldn't take the pleasure. " You didn't hurt me bo. It was just to much." " I'm sorry." He said again. He took you into the bathroom running a bath for you and setting you in to soak. "Your not getting in with me?" " I'll be back baby I'm gonna go get you some pills for the  Soreness. He exited the bath room . You relaxed in the hot water . You body acked . But it felt nice to relax.  You were worried about kotaro tho . You know he thought he hurt you . Bokuto walked downstairs to get you a pain reliever.  He stopped at the counter leaning on it with his head down. He was panicking thinking of all the things he did wrong the past two years. What if you didn't want to be with him anymore. He dialed akaashi's number. It rung twice before he picked up." Bokuto-san what-" "I fucked up akaashi. I fucked up bad . She's gonna break up with me . It's all my fault. " He panicked his insecurities showing. "Bokuto-san slow down and breath tell me what happened." He tried calming him down the best he could. "We were doing it and I was mad and jealous and I went to far she had to use her safe word akaashi. What if she doesn't want me anymore,  what if she's scared of me now. I love her akaashi I messed it up its all my fault." He began to tear up knowing he went to far. " bokuto-san it's ok. You guys have a safe word for a reason . At anytime did she say she was in pain? " he questioned.  "No." Bokuto sniffles. "Ok . Maybe it was just overwhelming for her too handle at once . Or she was having to much pleasure.  It doesn't mean you hurt her . Where is she now bokuto-san." "I left her upstairs in the tub." "Why are you not with her .go comfort her . She probably wants you to be with her." "BUT what if she-" he was cut off " Go text me what happens in the morning." The phone hangs up. He began walking to the room prepared for the worst.

KAASHI(aka the prettiest person I know)
I hope your ok.
Bokuto called to tell me what happened.  He's worried he hurt you and that you'll break up with him. I'm sure you know that since you handle his moods the best.

                   Don't worry I'm fine . And I'm aware I'm waiting for him now. Text you in the morning

Bokuto came in the bathroom handing you the pain killers and your favorite juice. Not looking you in the eye. "What took you so long baby." You questioned trying to make eye contact with him. " sorry I was looking for something." He stared at the floor the whole time . " ok . Come join me I'm lonely.  I already cleaned up and made a fresh bath so come in. " why would you do that I could've helped you. Your probably tired. " He said finally looking at you. " there's my owl boy. It's fine bo really come in I miss you. Don't argue with me on this one ok." He noticed the line he always used when you would argue with him on stupid things such as not eating. "Ok." He slid off his boxers getting in the huge tub on the opposite side of you. You crawled over to him getting on top of him wrapping your arms around him. He was shocked you wanted to touch him. " we should talk about what happened bo." You said nuzzling your head further into his chest.he sobbed as he pleaded to you he wanted to hold you so bad but he was scared you would be uncomfortable"I'm sorry . I didn't mean to hurt you I went to far . And I understand if you want to break up with me . I'm sorr-" you cut him off grabbing his face. Looking into his eyes. He looked away almost immediately."look at me ko." His eyes didn't move." Look at me kotaro." His eyes moved to yours. " I'm not mad , I'm not upset. I'm not scared of your touch." You wrapped his hands around your waist. " Hold me kotaro." He removed his hand. " hold me ." " I can't.  I hurt you . I made you use your safe word." "You didn't hurt me kotaro. I was just overwhelmed by the pleasure. It felt so good. I just couldn't handle it." You wrapped his hands around you once more . You wiped his tears kissing where they once where. " I love you so much kotaro.  I'm not going anywhere I promise.  So please hold me." He was hesitant at first.  But he pulled you in close hugging you. Not wanting to let you go." I'm sorry." He said again. " I know its ok . You did nothing wrong." After the bath he dried and dressed you not making you do a thing. You didn't protest knowing how he was feeling right now. He got into bed pulling you close turning  the lights off." I love you so much. " He said kissing your temple as you drifted to sleep. " I love you more." You said in a hush tone. The both of you feel asleep feeling the love you had for each other.

This took longer than I expected sorry guys thanks for 800 reads love. Thank you for all the new followers. And shout out to jxedxreader for always commenting and voting my story. They also give me feed back and encourage me . Which is nice since I don't get alot of comments just wanted to give them a special thanks. But thanks to everyone who reads my story. Ps. I hope if you were just here for the bokuto and sakusa scene u stick with the story afterwards.

 I hope if you were just here for the bokuto and sakusa scene u stick with the story afterwards

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Also shout out to LVFEEN they also vote my stories and are usually first🥺❤

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