chapter 25

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"I don't think bokuto wants kids." I said in a low tone. Tendo laughed with confusion "im sorry but that is the dumbest thing you've every said to me. I mean have you seen him with suga and daichis kid. Or with his own fans even." He walked over setting the freshly frosted cupcakes in the display. "That doesn't mean he wants kids with me ." My response was dull no feeling in my voice. Tendo burst into to laughter."ITS NOT FUNNY TENDO." I say hitting his back."I'm sorry I'm sorry." He tries to catch his breath. "But there's no way your actually serious. He looks at you like your a God. He loves you more than anything . Why wouldn't he want kids with you. And if you say volleyball that's not a valid answer. Because we both know he could make time for both. Maybe your just scared to get comfortable with him again. The last time everything in your life was perfect you had the accident. You don't think I see the way you look at all the kids when they come in the bakery . Don't kid yourself , you deserve to be happy.  You both do."

The rest of the day went normally.  My conversations with tendo lingered in my mind."y/n, helloooo" tendo waves his hand in my face trying to get my attention. "Sorry I spaced out . Wassup?" "Your shift is over bokutos out front." I looked at the clock , it was already 6. "It's fine I can stay till closing. I'll just text him to go hom-" I was cut off before I could finish."Go home y/n" I decided not to argue and grab my things."see you tomorrow tendo. " I waved goodbye and got into the car. "Hey baby how was work." Bokuto greeted me with a smile as he kissed my cheek." It was fine." I say looking out the window. "You ok my love." He voice was soft and full of concern and I couldn't even look at him." I'm fine bokuto. " first mistake.  "You sure. You seem upse-" "I said I'm fine ok . I just wanna go home ." Second mistake. 

Bokuto pov
Did she just call me by my last name..... she never does that. She was obviously upset I just didn't know why. Was it because I pushed for us to have sex earlier..... I mean If she didn't want it she would tell me right.  Right? The car ride home was silent, no word were spoken until we entered the house. "Baby." She ignored me and continued to walk upstairs. "Baby  why are you ignoring me tell me what's wrong please." She continued to walk. "Whatever I did I can fix it I'm sorry.  If you don't want to have sex then you can tell me don't fell like your obligated ." She stopped at the top of the stairs. " You blame me  being upset on yourself even tho you didn't do anything wrong. Why do you have to be so perfect. " I came behind her wrapping my arms around her . "You don't have to tell me . But I'm here if you want to. Ok" she turned around putting her head in my chest. " do you want kids with me bo." Kids?"of course I want kids with you my love. I want a whole house full." My fingers massaged her scalp. She hummed in response. "I want them to have skin as pretty as yours. With your hair texture . The only thing I want them to have of mine is my hair color and eyes but if they don't that just means they'll look more like you. " I felt a grin creep across my face while I talked about our future children.  The thought of our future made me so happy.  I stop mid sentence.  "Why are you asking if i want kids with you."  She didn't respond.  Instead she pulled away from my grip walking towards the our room."y/n talk to me please." I follow behind her. " what if I get pregnant and I get in an accident again. Or you get hurt. " I could see the panic on her face. " we can't.  Tendo was right the last time our life was perfect everything fell apart. I can't lose you.  Or ask you to give up volleyball for me...... what if you hate me for it." I walk over to her pulling her in for a tight hug. " I could never hate you my love.  And even if we didn't have kids as long as i have you my life is perfect. " I knew something like this would happen.  Her doctor warned me she could stress over things after the crash. " You deserve everything and more. Tell me what you want.  " I lifted her chin so her eyes rested on me . " I want a family  with you. I wanna be happy. " I wiped the tears from her cheek.  "Yea . Then let's put a baby in you tonight how does that sound. "

OK OK .....Y/N WILL NOT GET PREGNANT IN THIS BOOK . I REPEAT  SHE WILL NOT GET PREGNANT.  but I am writing a book with an alternate ending where y/n and bokuto have a family. Because let's face it bokuto would be the best with kids 💁🏾‍♀️. But the next part will be smut👍🏽.

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