🎆Chapter 7🎆

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(❁'◡'❁) I have a week off from school so I will try and update more. again if you have any headcanons, please comment them and I will try to put them in my story.


~(Y/n pov)~

I need a plan to escape I missed my siblings I hope they're okay. Maybe I should get to know Kallu-Nii he is my older brother...

"excuse me, sir?" I called out

"Yes, little lady?" the voice I could tell was Nobunaga answered 

"May I talk to Kallu-Nii?" I asked 

"Kalluto? Sure kid, I'll go get him" Nobunaga said

~(Time skip)~

"H-hello..." Kallu-Nii said as he opened the door. 'I act as I do with the others right? I think that's what I'm supposed to do...' I gave myself a sort of pep talk in my head

"Hi Kallu-Nii, we're supposed to get to know each other right?" I questioned since he should know that ... right? 

" I guess so, I'm your older brother Kalluto and I like to do origami," He said

"Whats origami?" I questioned we didn't have any books on whatever origami is at the house 

"Oh well Origami is,-" 


We started to bond over time but he has to go on a mission now, but I'm still happy he even thought me how to go origami! I'm glad he's my Nii-san.

" wait before you go u-um" he hm's and I go up and hug him he seems surprised at my acton's... was I not supposed to do that!?

"I'M SORRY KALLU-NII I THOUGHT IT WAS OKAY!!" I screamed while bowing  I panicked I did it so much with Killua-Nii and Alluka-Nee that I didn't think if it was okay to do!

"No need to panic, it's okay I was just surprised," he said to calm me down. Then he gave me a hug though I noticed there were people watching us.

~(3rd pov)

"They are rather cute" Shizuku commented 

"yeah yeah but they're still brats" Machi whispered back 

"They were talking for around an hour and a half" Nobunaga stated 

"Awe, are they having sibling bonding time?" Chrollo asked


~(Illumi pov)~

"She should be easier to control than Kill(Killua)," I said to Hisoka 

"Aww~ and here I thought I could have her~" The clown responded

"No" Does he really think he can have one of my siblings?

"But she has so much potential~ She's a delicious fruit that just needs time to ripe~," Hisoka said. 'if he says one more thing I will kill him'

"Your bloodlust is seeping out~" I've had enough I'm leaving 

~(Time skip)~

~(Y/n pov)~

It's nighttime now I can tell he is close to falling asleep, I love Kallu-Nii so I leaving him an origami swan. time to put my plan in action 

First- start humming a song to put Nobunaga to sleep

Second- get past him quietly I used to do this to the maids and bodyguards so it shouldn't be hard 

Third- jump out a window and use nen to keep quiet, use the least amount of nen, and for just enough time that I need 

'It's a good plan, don't mess up'

'thank you'

I'll start............


after I finished the song I could tell that he was asleep now next phase getting out quiet he was next to the door and not in front of it so that was good... The next phase will be harder...


Heya!  thank you for reading!༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Y/n quote!- Your past does not define you it's how you pick yourself up

Also, do you want a special chapter? if so on what comment what you want. Byeee

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