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Me and Miles sat together for what seemed like hours. I didn't want to move and neither did he. He was so warm and comforting. I snuggled my head into his chest not caring what he would think. I finally stopped crying when Miles pulled me closer. "It's ok Kyler" he said trying to comfort me. "Hold on let me text my mom" he said pulling away. Before he moved away to much I grabbed his arm. As he looked back at me I quickly let go realizing what I did. He came close to me and lightly pecked my cheek. "Kyler, come here" he said.

I crawled over to him and he sat me in his lap. "Better" he asked grabbing his phone. I nodded yes and put my head on his chest. He put his arms in front of me while he was texting his mom. ( Miles: Hey can I spend the night at Kyler's? Mom: Sure sweetheart.) I got a huge smile on my face as I read the text. I'm so glad he's spending the night. Do I have feelings for him? He kissed my forehead like it was nothing. I leaned my head back so I could see him.

He looked deep into my eyes. Then he slowly leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine. I softly kissed him back. He put his hands on my waist. But we both pulled away for air. " I love you Kyler."My eyes widen. " W-Wait, you what" I asked getting up. Tears formed in his eyes. " I said I love you Kyler" he said again. " Miles keep your voice down" I told him in a whisper. " Why" he said. " I don't want my mom to hear."

His expression changed from loving and caring, to angered and hurt. " Why would your mother care" he asked. " Because she's against gays" I say whisper yelling. " So she's against you" He said. " Miles I-I'm not gay" I finally said. Oh god I really just screwed up. " T-Then why did you kiss me" "Because I was sad and needed comforting" I said. Kyler stop talking your fucking everything up. " N-No that's not true" he said standing up. " Miles I'm sorry but I'm not gay" Kyler shut up. His legs started shaking. "No you have to be" he said sobbing.

I slowly shake my head and his hands started shaking. " Miles are you ok" I asked concerned. " Yes I-I'm fine" I slowly walked over to him and reached my hand out. He slapped my hand away " Don't touch me!" I backed away from him. I've never heard him yell before. His breaths got shorter, he stumbled and almost fell. " Miles" I yelled as I ran over to him. He grabbed onto one of my shoulders with each hand for support. I wrapped my arms around him and sat him down. " Miles, Miles what's wrong" I asked making his face look at me. He looked at me " panic attack." My uncle has panic attacks.

I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "Miles, Miles you have to calm down ok" I asked him as he looked at me. " My bag, in my bag" he said pointing to it. I ran over to his bag and started searching through it. I found an orange bottle of pills and I ran into the bathroom. I filled a cup with water and brought it out to him. " Here Miles" I said handing him the cup and a pill. He quickly swallowed the pill and his breathing started returning to normal. " Thanks" He said placing the cup down on the floor. 

I couldn't help myself and I leaned down and kissed his lips. " Miles I'm so sorry" I said hugging him. He wrapped his arms tightly around me" Its ok you didn't mean to". I pulled away and looked at him. " Miles do you really love me?" He looked me right in the eyes" with all my heart." " If you really love me, I guess I could try and make this work." His eyes widen in surprise."R-Really" he asked. " Yeah really." Then he got this huge smile on his face. He practically tackled me" Thank you so much Kyler."

After what seemed like forever he pulled away. "Kiss me" he said. " W-What?" I stared at him with a questioning look. " If you really love me then kiss me, It doesn't have to be long just a quick peck." I looked at him still confused. " Uh o-ok." I slowly started to lean in and Miles didn't move at all. I got to where both of our noses where almost touching. " Kyler, if you two are done up there then get down here" my mom yelled up. I pulled away and looked at Miles he looked disappointed.

"Come on Miles" I said grabbing his hand and walking into the hallway. Before we got to the stairs I turned around and put my hand around Miles neck. He looked really surprised. I quickly leaned forward and softly pressed my lips against his. He was tense at first but relaxed into it. I pulled away and saw that his checks had a slight pink tint. I got up close to his ear and whispered " I love you." Then I grabbed his hand again and walked downstairs. Even without turning around I could tell he had a big smile on his face. 


He kissed me, and he said he loves me. Oh my god I can die happy now. I mentally squealed in my head as we walked down the stairs. "Mom can Miles spend the night" he said. "Sure" was all she said. She had her purse in hand and started to put on a coat. "Where are you going" Kyler asked as we sat down on the couch. " Just out for a little bit" She said finally getting her coat on. Kyler turned to me"probably to one of her man sluts" I giggled and she looked over at Kyler." What did you say" "Nothing" he said grabbing his phone. " You boys be good. don't break anything" Then she just walked out and shut the door. " Don't worry she always does this" he said. " Don't you ever get lonely?" He didn't even look up from his phone." Nah. I like it being quite." I can relate. 

After about an hour of talking and laughing I yawned." You tired" he asked. " Yeah a little" II said standing up and stretching. " Then lets go to bed" he said leading me up stairs. Oh god we are going to his B-E-D. He looked back at me." Don't worry I won't do anything to you, unless you want me to." That made me face go red and he was just laugghing at my reaction. He let go of my hand when we got to his bed. He pulled the sheets down and layed down. Then he pated on the bed. " Lay down" he said. I crawled next to him and he pulled the sheets over us. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head in his chest. " I lov" that all Kyler said in his sleepy voice before hee dozed off. " I love you to Kyler." Then I let sleep over come me as I closed my eyes.

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