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Ok this is my first Q&A so don't judge, I'm also doing this on my phone. I'm going to do all the questions that people asked me.
Q: How old are you?
A: 12

Q:How long have you been on wattpad?
A: I don't know exactly how long but about a year.

Q:Do you have a YouTube channel?
A: Yes I do, PPika11.

(Future me in 2017, I published this like 3 years ago in 2013 so most of this stuff is severely outdated)

Q:When are you going to update?
A: I don't know exactly when but hopefully pretty soon.

Q:Do you like Jahvie?
A: Um I think you meant Dahvie from BOTDF, if so, kinda.

Q: Do you listen to BOTDF?
A: Yes, Yes I do.

Q:What's your sexuality?
A:I'm bi

Q: Who's your favorite bands.
A: Oh get ready for a lot of reading, BOTDF, BVB, NYSYNC, BACKSTREET BOYS, FALLOUT BOY, FALLING IN REVERSE, VIXX, BIGFLO, BINGBANG, SHINEE, F.CUZ, BOYS REPUBLIC, NU'EST, F(X), and that's just scratching the surface.

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