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I woke up to find that my mom was gone and I had school. She probably had to work early and forgot to tell me, like always.

Well, I got dressed and quickly ran out of the house. Time to start a walk of 15 minutes even though I only have 10 minutes left to get to school. I pretty much ran the whole way and was out of breath when I got there.

I first saw Miles talking with some of my friends. I thought "Good he's making some friends". I walked over to them still in the midst of catching my breath. " Hey Kyler, where ya been" Jacob said to me.

Miles looked at me as soon as Jacob said my name. " Well my mom left early without telling me".

He looked shocked " Wow, again".
" Yep, again". Miles walked over to me and smiled. " If we don't get inside we'll be late" Miles says looking happy.

I smiled and all three of us walked in together. To be honest, we probably looked really gay. I mean, not that I'm not. But all of us giggling like little school girls as we practically skip into school. I can already hear the comments from anti-gay football players.

We all went to out lockers and opened them, all except for me. " Damn it" I quietly mutter. Miles looks over at me and giggles. " You need some help there" he asks shutting his locker with his books in hand.

" No no, I got this." After about five more tries Miles finally gets in front of me. " What's your combination?" I told him my combo and he opened my locker in under 15 seconds. He steps aside " there ya go." I slightly smile and quickly get my books.

We both walk in and take our seats next to Jacob. I don't know how he gets his stuff so fast. I hardly ever see him open his locker. Probably cause I'm too busy trying to get mine open.

The announcements came on and all of us were quiet. The atmosphere between me and Miles was kinda awkward. He'd glance over at me every now and then and just smile at me.

Of course I smiled back not wanting to seem rude. It seemed like he was keeping an eye on me, so no one would take me. I guess he's the protective type.


I can't stop looking at Kyler. I don't even mean to, it just happens. I have to smile every time he turns around or I'll seem like a freak. I'll be so happy when schools over.

Most kids hate it when they move, I didn't. I hated my old school, since everyone hated me. The guy I dated was a jerk. When he started getting violent with me I broke up with him. I guess to get his revenge he told the whole school I was gay. I wanted to tell everyone that he was the one I dated but I didn't want to make things worse.

The bullying went on for about 2 years until my mom was notified. She took me out of the school right away, as a good mother should. But the things they did still stuck with me. Drawing dildos on post it notes then putting them in my locker. Writing the Fa word on my locker in marker.

I don't wanna go through that anymore. Kyler seems like a great guy that would never hurt me. That's why I want to make sure nobody takes him from me.

The bell rang and we went to out classes. Of course since I had every class with Kyler I just followed him. Now I have to watch people in every class to make sure they're not hitting on Kyler. Some blond hair Barbie dolls did but I could tell Kyler wasn't interested. Every time a girl talked to him he'd look back at me, as if to assure me that he was mine.

~ time skip to end of day~


I could tell that Miles was worried about me the whole day. Whenever a girl talked to me Miles just glared at them. To be honest, it was pretty funny watching him. He can act so adorable sometimes. Jesus, when did I become so gay. Oh yeah, about 2 days ago.

I asked Miles if he wanted to come over and study but he said he can't. He's going out to dinner with his family.

Must be nice. Having a family that actually cares about you.

My Gay Fear (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now