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Today was the day we got the results of our tests back. This could determine a lot of me and Kylers future together.

The papers came in the mail about a week after we took them. It was now summer break which meant tank tops, shorts, body images.

I always hate summer with every guy with a perfect body. They practically say 'my body is way better than yours is gonna be.' Which is a load of shit.

Kyler has been helping me a lot by complimenting me whenever he can.

Like if I'm changing in front of him he might smack my butt lightly and say 'you look so sexy shirtless.' I get slightly scared but it's ok. I'm just not good with receiving compliments.

I got my results about a day after Kyler. So I called him and he came right over so we could open them together.

As soon as he sat down on the couch he sighed. I rubbed his back to try and comfort him. "It's ok Kyler." He looked up and smiled softly.

I returned the smile and we both opened them.

I almost gasped when I saw mine. My overall average was a 93. A 93! That's the best score I've ever gotten.

I looked over at Kyler and he ran a hand through his hair. "Kyler what'd you get?" I was scared that he failed but then he showed me the paper. He just passed with a 75.

I smiled and hugged him tightly. He giggled as he rubbed my back. "It's not a good grade but at least I'm passing."

I couldn't stop smiling no mater how hard I tried. Kyler passed! We can finally move and live together with ease. Hopefully we won't have to hid our relationship anymore.

Me and Kyler were still smiling like idiots when his mom walked in. She hung her coat up and turned to us. "Hello boys, Kyler is that what I think it is?" Kyler nodded and his mom gently took the paper.

She sighed in relief and gave Kyler a hug. "Thank god, I really didn't want you to fail your last year." Kyler giggled and turned to me. His expression faded from happy to emotionless.

He kept staring at me then turned back to his mom. "Mom, I need to tell you something." She put the paper on a nearby table and looked at Kyler concerned.

"What it is?" She sat down next to him and crossed her legs. "Well, I-I don't know if your going to like this..." She turned his face to look at her. "Kyler just tell me, did you do something?"

He shook his head and looked at her. "I-I'm gay, and I'm dating Miles." My eyes widened as he said that. Did he seriously just tell her about us?

She sighed and put her hands in her face. "Jesus I thought you were doing drugs or something."

I could see Kyler loosen up and smile. "S-So your cool with it?" She looked up at him. "Kyler your practically an adult now, my opinion on who your with shouldn't matter, as long as your happy I'm fine with it."

Kylers smile got even bigger and he hugged his mom tightly. She rolled her eyes and hugged him back. "Miles you better take good care of him."

"Don't worry, I will." Kyler winked at me and grabbed my hand. "Well to celebrate Kyler passing and your relationship, I suggest we go out for dinner, my treat."

"That sounds great mom." I smiled at Kyler and he got up from the couch still with his fingers entangled in mine.

Before we went out the door Kyler turned to me. "I love you Miles." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too Kyler."

Things were finally looking good for me. After 18 long years everything is looking better. I never believed what people said about life getting better. But I'm living proof that life does get better, it just takes time.


(( Authors note : I'm really thinking about doing a second book to this. I've wanted to keep this story going for a little bit longer. So if you guys want me to do a second one then let me know. But My Gay Fear is finished, for now))

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