Chapter One: The Beginning

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As the dim light of the early morning sunrise peaked its blissful head out from behind the junkyard cars, Bobby fixed himself a single meal. The buzz of the police scanner hummed as talk of murders and kidnapping surrounded the otherwise peaceful morning. Bobby grabbed his sustenance from the faded kitchen counter top and took his place at the vintage kitchen table. As Bobby put a few forkfuls of crispy bacon and runny eggs into his mouth, his phone started to chime. Hesitant to interrupt this one moment of peace he has, Bobby grunted and slowly picked up his old flip phone. Flicking open the cell Bobby saw the name Stevie flash across the cracked screen.

“This better be an emergency!” Bobby grumbled.

“Nice to talk to you too old man!” said a sensual female voice. “I found a job that I need help with. Got someone in mind?”

Bobby couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of little Stevie Kasher all grown up and fighting monsters. Bobby knew Stevie since she was a little girl. It was a job that brought Stevie and Bobby together that one faithful night.   Stevie's parents were killed by a cross road demon when she was 10, and had offered Stevie as the payback. Little did her parents know to never make a deal with a demon because they never play fair. She was the only survivor, thanks to Bobby. After that his night, Stevie was taken by the authorities and grew up in a foster home until she was 17. Being the rebellious child she was, she headed off in search of the great mysterious man that saved her life but she had little to go on except his partner called him Bobby. Along the path to her hopeful reunion with Bobby, she joined every self defense class she could so she would never be a victim, ever again.  Once she found Bobby at the age of 22, she had skills, very good skills. Bobby saw her potential and took her on some hunts to “break her in" to the life as a hunter.

“Hello!? Did you forget to turn up your hearing aid!?” Stevie shouted as she giggled. “HELLO, HELLO, HELLO?”

Bobby snapped out of his memories of this petite little girl “Stop it ya idjit! I may have someone in mind.  What’s the job?”

“Just a nest of bloodsuckers.” Stevie responded, very nonchalantly. “Got a tip from a guy I know down by your neck of the woods.”

“Let me guess..” Bobby said matter-of-factly “ Rufus?”

“Haha! How did you guess?” Stevie said as she let out a hefty chuckle.

“That idjit has gotten you in so many close calls, how could I not think it was him that mentioned this hair brained job? At least you’re calling for backup. Last time you were up against a nest, I almost lost you.” Bobby sighed, knowing very well Stevie wouldn’t back down. “I’ll make some calls and see who’s free. In the meantime, get yourself here in one piece. You’re not still riding that hunk of junk bike of yours, are you?”

“..I couldn’t just get rid of it.” Stevie said cautiously. “You know what it means to me.”

Bobby let out another sigh “…just be careful. How long will it take to get here?”

“I’m in Wabasso, so probably a few hours?” Stevie said as Bobby could hear the sound of her rusted chopper starting. Bobby tried to convince her to get rid of it but she inherited it from her father. She wouldn’t give it up because it reminded her of the only good times she had with her dad, before he became a money hungry monger.

“Okay, ride safe.” Bobby said as he flipped his antique flip phone shut. Bobby never thought to update his phone because ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’.

Bobby finished off his runny eggs and crunchy bacon before flipping his antique phone open again and scrolling through his contacts. He selected a few good hunters and sent out a message asking for a helping hand. After a few minutes, his phone rang.
Bobby reached for his phone and looked at his cracked screen. The name ‘Sam Winchester’ flashed before him.


After listening to the wind and vehicles fly past her for 200 km, Stevie was happy to see that old ‘Singer Auto Salvage’ sign as she pulled in. She felt like she was home again. Anytime she visited Bobby, it was like going home. Stevie made her way down the gravel driveway and up to the deteriorating blue forefront of the Singer house. As she parked and pulled off her helmet, Bobby stood at the screen door with a wide grin.

“What’s new old man?” Stevie said as she rushed up and opened the screen door where Bobby stood, hands in pockets.

“Old man hey? You’re going to give me a complex!” Bobby said as his grin stayed plastered across his whiskered face. They both laughed as Bobby pulled Stevie in for a hug. “What did I tell you about taking jobs from that old fool Rufus?”

“He gives me jobs he hears of that he can’t do anymore. You can’t blame him for going to the best!” Stevie scoffed as she tossed her backpack and helmet on the old couch that lined the bottom of the living room window.

“The best hey?” Bobby scoffed back “What does that make me, little girl?” he said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

Stevie flipped her long golden blonde hair as she made her way into the kitchen. She looked back before crossing the threshold. “That makes you the Yoda to my… jedi guy.”

Bobby laughed as he always did when Stevie came up with her horrible character references. Bobby joined Stevie in the kitchen and waited while she grabbed two beers from the fridge. She handed one to Bobby then leaned her back against the kitchen counter.

“So who’d ya find to help? Any takers?” Stevie said as she took a sip of her beer. The sun shined through the kitchen window and framed her natural beauty like an angel framed by the light of God.

“I did get someone.” Bobby said cautiously, as if choosing his words wisely, “He’s the son of one of my best friends. Him and his brother are like sons of mine.”

“Okay..” Stevie said slowly, giving Bobby the ‘so what’ look.

“I’ve never set you guys up on a hunt together because, well, Sam's brother Dean is quite the ladies' man. And I didn’t want you to get involved with that. Nice kid, but boy, does he have his priorities mixed.” Bobby knew that Stevie was very much the female version of Dean and putting them together would be detrimental to the task at hand. Sam on the other hand, he was more controlled and Bobby knew Sam would keep after Stevie.

“So he’s a man-whore, so what!? Is he joining?” Stevie said as she pulled herself onto the counter with a crooked grin. 

“No, it’s just Sam. Dean is on another hunt.” Bobby said as he opened his beer and took a sip while he sat in the same kitchen chair as he did hours before.

“Then no big deal right!?” Stevie said as she finished her beer and put the bottle down beside her. “When and where am I meeting this Sam Winchester?”

“He’ll meet you here in about an hour. Where is this nest supposedly?” Bobby questioned as he pushed his beer away from him.

“Just outside Hartford. A big one according to Rufus.” Stevie said as she motioned as wide as she could to imitate the size of the nest.

“Okay. Well, settle in for a bit. You hungry?” Bobby said as he motioned at the fridge.

“Nah. I had some pie on my way here.” Stevie said as she patted her flat stomach.

“Just pie?” Bobby said, his eyebrow raised as if to lecture Stevie about her choice of nourishment.

Stevie couldn’t help but laugh every time Bobby treated her like his daughter. “I also had a burger. And chili cheese fries…man I love me some chili cheese fries!” Stevie said as she trailed off.

“I don’t know how you stay so fit eating like that!” Bobby said as he shook his head in disbelief.

Stevie hopped off the counter and stood before Bobby at the table. “I’m a growing girl don’t ya know!?” Stevie bent down and kissed Bobby on the top of his head. Bobby smiled and laughed still shaking his head at this little 5’4” petite girl with the appetite of a 200 pound man. She must have weighed around 110 pounds so it was hard for Bobby to believe Stevie could put away that much food. “While we wait, can you look at my bike?”

Bobby groaned and said “Let’s go!” as he motioned for Stevie to lead the way.


Sam would do anything to help Bobby, so when Bobby messaged, Sam leapt at the chance. Sam and Dean had been handling smaller hunts apart for a while so it was easy for Sam to sneak away. He told Dean that he had a call for another hunt near Bobby so Dean didn’t bat an eyelash at it. Dean said he’d meet up with Sam and Bobby after both their hunts were done.

Sam pulled slowly into the salvage yard Bobby called home, in his 1995 Silverado that he “borrowed” from a local where Sam and Dean had been staying. As Sam pulled up to the house, he saw Bobby outside tinkering with an old chopper. Bobby looked the same as always, plaid button down shirt and trucker cap. He looked more like a semi driver then a great hunter. Bobby looked up as Sam put the truck in park and waved.

“Hey Sam!” Bobby shouted as Sam hopped out of the truck and made his way toward Bobby. “That didn’t take you too long.”

“We weren’t that far away. Just finished up a hunt in Brookings.” Sam said as he gave Bobby a quick hug. “So where’s the guy I’m supposed to hunt with?”

The screen door to the house slammed shut as Bobby and Sam both looked toward Stevie as she made her way towards them.
“Guy? Not the last time I checked. Hi, name’s Stevie.” She said as she extended her hand to Sam.

“OH! H..h..hey! I’m Sam.” Sam stuttered out. He couldn’t believe someone so beautiful could be a hunter and not modeling somewhere. “Sorry, the name kind of threw me off.”

“It’s all good! Bobby didn’t mention that he was getting a giant to help me out. A cute one at that!” Stevie said with a sly smile. Sam blushed and smiled at Stevie. Sam's gaze fixed on Stevie for a few moments before Bobby cleared his throat and gave Sam a look.

Sam cleared his throat as his smile faded, “Bobby was saying you’re looking to go after a nest?”

“Yeah,” Stevie said as she took a sip of beer she brought out for Bobby and herself. “There’s supposedly a big one just outside of Hartford. Got the tip from a dear old friend.” She smiled at Bobby.

Bobby huffed. “Yeah the idjit always gives this girl the hard hunts.” Bobby said as he shook his head.

“Rufus hey?” Sam said as he put his hands in his pockets “Never knew Rufus had that many hunts on the go.”

“He thinks he’s still young. One of these days he’s going to get himself killed.” Bobby said sternly.

Looking back at Stevie, Sam said “What made Rufus think there’s a nest?”

“Missing people, dead bodies drained of all blood. Animals slaughtered. The same usual signs.” Stevie said as she sat on her bike as pieces of it scattered the ground near her dainty booted feet.

“And the location? How did Rufus know where it is?” Sam said puzzled.

“There’s this place where couples go to….you know. Have fun.” Stevie said as she winked at Sam. Sam smiled then wiped his smile away with his hand and cleared his throat as he glanced at Bobby and back to Stevie "Not many came back. At least not alive. Lots of missing people, including the deputy.” Stevie said as the realization of the seriousness of the hunt dawned on the group.

“Okay, so what’s the plan of attack?” Sam said as he glanced between Bobby and Stevie. Bobby shrugged. “Don’t ask me, ask Stevie. It’s her hunt.”

“I have a plan, but we will need to arm up first.” Stevie said as she leaned forward in her seat.

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