Chapter Twelve: The Protector

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The next day, Cas made his way to the playground that housed the portal to heaven, and asked the gate keepers for their help. He explained that he knew the whereabouts of the child who was to be born of warriors, and that he needed to speak to God about the baby's protection.

“What makes you think we would believe you about this child?” the first angel asked as he stood on the play structure just next to the sandbox where the portal laid. Cas couldn’t take him seriously because he was in the body of a 6 year old boy, but acted like he was the alpha of the two.

“This information is necessary! If this child is to be born and rid the world of all evil, it’s going to need protection from the things it will wipe out while it is still developing.” Cas explained, hoping the keepers would budge. The two gate keepers, disguised as a mother and child, looked at each other with hesitation.

After a few moments of worried glances, “He’s not here. But we know where he is….” The child gatekeeper explained.


After his workout, Dean had a quick shower then made his way to check in and catch a nap with Stevie. She seemed to sleep a lot more since the attack but she seemed to feel better each day and Dean had no problem letting her sleep. He snuck into the room after he showered, whipped off his towel then crawled into bed next to Stevie. He wrapped his arm around Stevie and pulled her close as she stirred then turned to face Dean.

“Hey beautiful.” Dean said softly as he snuggled in close to her. “ I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“Nah, I was kind of awake before you snuck in. I was having some….fun dreams and couldn’t sleep anymore. Then I hoped you would come and help me relive some of those dreams and here you are.” Stevie told Dean as she slowly moved her hand downwards on Dean’s rock hard body, until her hand met up with Dean’s prick. A smile spread across Dean’s face as he felt Stevie softly grab it and start to stroke up and down, up and down. He leaned towards Stevie and pulled her in for a kiss but then he realized that he needed to stop her.

Dean grabbed at Stevie’s hand and stopped kissing her as he asked “Are you sure we should do this? Are you still feeling weak?”

“Baby, if I feel weaker after this, it’s because you fucked all of the energy out of me!” Stevie replied as she went back to kissing Dean. Dean shrugged then let go of Stevie’s hand and let her arouse him more, her answer was good enough for him. As Stevie played with him, Dean snuck his hand up her shirt to play with her now plumper breasts and deepened his kiss with her. Stevie let go of Dean’s goods as she stripped off her shirt and pajama pants, threw them on the floor then got up to straddle Dean.

“How did this dream go?” Dean asked as he helped guide Stevie down onto his penis. He loved when he was inserted in her, the feeling was exhilarating and pleasurable all by itself.

“Well, first it started with me riding you like this…” Stevie said as she started to slowly grind on him. “Then…after this…we do…the Lotus…” Stevie said breathlessly as she was getting caught up in the pleasure of riding Dean. “Oh, fuck it! I’ll just show you!”

Dean grabbed at Stevie’s body, her breasts her hips as he watched her body move so sensually and so in tune with her sexuality. He loved everything about this woman and he couldn’t believe that he found her and that she was his. Dean could feel Stevie slowing down and knew she was getting weak so he sat up, crossed his legs and held onto Stevie as he positioned himself for the next position. With Dean guiding her Stevie perked up and began grinding him harder. She moaned and pushed her hips back and forth as she leaned back and Dean hung onto her, he would never let her go. Dean moaned and panted as he lifted Stevie back close to him and kissed her intensely, pushing his tongue into her mouth. Stevie wrapped her arms around Dean’s neck as she screamed out and let herself cum, Dean cumming shortly after her. As they both panted, Dean lightly grabbed her head and pulled her into another kiss, a kiss that sealed the passionate moment they just had. Stevie got off of Dean and put on her house coat as she headed for the bedroom door.

“Where ya going?” Dean asked as he still tried to catch his breath.

“I have to pee!” Stevie said as she snuggled out of the bedroom door and closed it behind her. Dean laughed then got up and changed before going to grab a drink from the kitchen, after all, that was a better work out than the one he did before and he was parched. Walking into the kitchen he saw Sam sitting at the table with his laptop, deep in thought as he typed furiously.

“Whatcha doing?” Dean asked while he grabbed a cup from the cupboards and pour himself some water.

“Just looking at some jobs and trying to ignore the screaming coming from your bedroom. Like what are you doing in there? Murdering the poor girl? You know what!? Never mind!” Sam said quickly, realizing that he didn’t want to know. Dean smiled and sat across from Sam while he chugged back his water and laughed at Sam’s disgust. “I just wanted to keep doing jobs until Cas finds God.”

“Chuck.” Dean said, correcting Sam.

“What?” Sam asked puzzled by Dean’s correction.

“He calls himself Chuck.” Dean said as he finished the last of his water and put the cup on the table.

“Sorry. Until Cas finds Chuck.” Sam corrected himself for Dean’s sake.

“That’s all good and we’ll but I’m not leaving Stevie and the baby alone. Not with everything that’s going on.” Dean stated as he got up off of his chair and placed his cup in the sink.

“Dean, I get it, but they’re safe. This bunker is strongly guarded by all of the warding. Plus, Cas will be here and I’m sure we can get Jody here too to help Stevie out.  She'll be protected. They’ll be protected.” Sam said, trying to convince Dean of their support. Dean thought about what Sam was saying and sat back in his seat.

“I..I don’t know.” Dean said hesitantly.

“You don’t know what?” Stevie asked as she walked into the room and stood beside Dean.

“Oh! Hey baby!” Dean said as he pulled Stevie into his lap. “Sam was just saying how he was still looking for jobs for us.”

“And Dean was just saying how he didn’t want to go and leave you two alone.” Sam said as he pointed to Stevie and her belly.

“Why wouldn’t you do the jobs? It’s what we do!” Stevie said turning to look, almost lecturing Dean for what Sam told her.
Dean giggled at how cute Stevie looked when she got mad. “I have a different job now and that’s protecting my family.”

“Dean!” Stevie said as she turned and looked Dean in the eyes. “I understand that you want to protect us but babe, but…”

“But you won’t need to, because I’ll protect her!” A voice rang out from the hallway. As all three hunters jumped to their feet at the sound of the mysterious booming voice, Dean and Sam stood in front of Stevie, acting like a shield. As they prepared for a battle, Chick rounded the corner and leaned against the door frame.

“Chuck?” Dean, puzzled let down his guard slightly as he stared at Chuck standing in their kitchen.

“You don’t have to worry about that little bean growing inside of this, miraculous woman.” Chuck said as he slowly walked towards Dean and Sam, Stevie poking her head out from between them. “I created this child for a reason and I’m not going to let anything happen to her.”

“Her…?” Dean said slowly, fully dropping his guard down. Dean was in a stunned like trance as Stevie stepped forward.

“We’re having a girl!?” Stevie said.

“Yes, yes you are.” Chuck said as he stood right in front of Stevie. “I had to decide which one to give you and I thought, why not? There’s three strong Winchester males, why not make three strong Winchester women?”

Dean was still in a trance until Chuck finished his sentence, then he snapped out of it. “I’m going to have a little girl. I’m going to have a little girl Sammy!” Sam smiled then hugged his brother, also happy that he was going to have a niece. Dean picked up Stevie and kissed her while he hugged her tightly.

“Now, you boys go and do your hunting and I’ll be around.” Chuck said as he smiled then disappeared.

“Well, when’s the next job?” Dean asked as he put Stevie down and looked at Sam.

“We can actually hit one up tonight..” Sam began.

“Nope! Tonight I’m taking full advantage of this beauty then tomorrow, we can hunt! Night Sammy!” Dean said as he quickly interrupted Sam. Sam shook his head then watched as Dean picked up Stevie and carried her to their bedroom.


After their night of mind melting sex, Stevie fell fast asleep as Dean laid in the dark, one arm behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He held Stevie in his arm as she slept, her head cuddled onto his shoulder, him caressing the skin on her left shoulder. He thought about where he is right now and how he got there. Not only is he engaged to an amazing ,kick ass woman but he’s also going to be a father.

He remembered the first time he saw Stevie in that bar only a short time ago and the instant connection he had with her. He remembered the heartbreak he put on Sam, that he never wanted to do but he knew he has to because it was for her. He remembered the happiness he felt when Sam forgave him for that heartbreak he caused and how he knew that his brother would always be there for him, no matter what. And he remembered that moment when he knew Stevie was the one, the only one, he could ever see himself with for the rest of his life. Now, while he laid with the woman of his dreams in their bed and their child growing in her womb, he couldn’t help be over the moon happy with his life. But he knew that something, somewhere, will come for that happiness, and he knew that he would do anything to stop that from happening.

For that moment he was going to enjoy what he had because for tomorrow, there will be a battle. A battle always to save his family for what may come next.

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