Chapter Eight: The Betrayal

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Once Stevie finished her shower, she changed into a large band t-shirt and tiny white booty shorts. The t-shirt read “Led Zepplin" and came down to above her knees. She loved the feeling of it, the soft cotton brushing against her body, she felt at home whenever she wore this t-shirt. She joined the boys in the War room, wearing a towel in her wet hair and fluffy socks on her feet. Dean was the first to look over when Stevie walked in to the room and to him, he loved the way she looked right at that moment. No makeup, no fancy clothes, just her natural, comfortable self.

“Hey, you guys have any cocoa or coffee?” Stevie asked as Sam looked up at her from his chair.

“Uh, yeah. I think we still have both.” Sam said, staring at Stevie while he talked. “They should be in one of the cupboards, on the top shelf. Did you need help?”

“I may be short, but I’m good at climbing!” Stevie said as she winked at Sam. As Stevie walked away, both guys followed her with their eyes, Sam almost falling out of his chair, and Dean falling out of his chair. Dean quickly got up and sat back in his chair as they looked at each other, Sam straightened up in his chair, then looking back at his computer and Dean went back to pretending to look at his book. Stevie finished making herself some cocoa and returned to where the guys were investigating and asked, “Did you guys want some?”

“Actually, yeah, that would be great! Thanks!”  Sam replied sweetly.

Dean cleared his throat and in a deep voice said “Me too, please.”

“Okay, sounds good! Two hot cocoas coming up!” Stevie said as she put her cocoa on the table and headed back for the kitchen.  A few moments later she returned to the guys with their steaming hot cocoas.  Stevie placed one beside Sam and gave one to Dean.

“Thanks!” Dean said with Sam following behind with a Thank you!

“So, what are you looking for?”  Stevie said as she took a seat across from Sam, Dean sitting between them at the head of the table. “Got a new job lined up?” Stevie continued as she took a sip from her cocoa.  She put her drink down and slowly removed her towel from her head.  Her wet hair hung to one side slightly crimped, indicating that her curly hair was natural.

“Uh, yeah.” Sam slowly said as he tried to focus on the question that was asked and not on the beautiful girl with the wet hair.

“There’s a job in Jefferson, Iowa.  A poltergeist with a vengeful hate for anyone who steps foot in their town hall.  One person dead, multiple people injured and a ton of stories.”

“Huh.” Stevie huffed out, her mind obviously racing with ideas about the poltergeist. “So you’re trying to figure out who this poltergeist could be, find the source and burn the body.  Boom, no more ghost.” Sam nodded.

“But the problem is, we are coming up with nothing, nada, zilch!” Dean chimed in.

“Well, I guess we have to stay here until we figure this out!” Stevie pushed as she took another drink of her cocoa.

“Yeah, but first we need some food.” Dean mentioned.

“And some beer.” Stevie said as she agreed with Dean and finished his thought.

“I need to run out to get some things anyways, so I can go get some food.”  Sam volunteered. “And some beer.”

“Awesome!” Stevie cheered as she got up and walked over to Sam.  She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “While you’re out, would it be too much to ask for you to grab a few things for me? If not, I can go out tomorrow and grab them.”

Sam looked at Stevie and knew he couldn’t say no to her. “Yeah, definitely.  It’s not a problem.  What did you need?”

Stevie quickly ran to her room, grabbed a piece of paper and pen and wrote out 3 small things. A hair brush, black hair dye and a bottle of lotion.  She ran back to Sam and handed him the paper. “This is all. Thanks a ton Sam! I owe you!”  Sam smiled and headed for the garage leaving Stevie and Dean with the investigation.


Twenty minutes went by and Stevie and Dean were deep in thought, no conversation between them until Dean leaned back in his chair, the book wide open on the table.
“I think I have something!” Dean said still looking at the book.

“OH, nice!” Stevie said as she put down her book and came around towards Dean.  She leaned forward beside him, their bodies almost touching. Stevie looked at the book as Dean studied her face and smelled her aroma.  She smelled like vanilla and lavender, a calming but alluring smell. “I think you’re right!  The town hall has his hair, this guy seems like the right...”

Stevie turned her head to look at Dean who was still staring at her and without thinking, they started kissing. Dean, shoved his chair back, guided Stevie in front of himand while kissing, Dean lifted Stevie up onto the large wooden table.  Their kiss deepened as Stevie spread her legs and pulled Dean towards her. Dean had one hand behind Stevie and the other slowly made its way up Stevie’s cotton Led Zepplin shirt to her bare breast then he started to massage it. Stevie trembled at his touch, something she’s been wanting since that wild night they had that many months ago. Dean leaned Stevie back so their bodies were touching as he pulled his hand from under her shirt and braced himself on the table. Stevie could feel Dean’s member growing as it touched her inner thigh and this made her get more wet.
Dean moved his hand from around Stevie to his pants as he started to undo his belt buckle and his pants.  Stevie helped as Dean dropped his pants just enough for his penis to pop out and be ready to use.  It was large and throbbing, and standing tall for Stevie.  Dean stopped kissing Stevie and looked at her hungrily while he grabbed at her shorts and in one swift move, Dean had pulled her shorts off and threw them on the floor behind them. He pulled Stevie’s hips closer to the edge of the table, wrapped his hands under her thighs and then guided his solid member inside of her.  Stevie groaned with desire as he pulled at her and thrust himself deeper into her. Dean’s movements began to quicken after a few minutes of slow, deep thrusts as Stevie moaned, this time louder and faster.  Dean held her tight as he quickened his movements even faster and his hunger for her grew even more.  The intensity and the feeling they got from being with each other was something that neither one of them had felt before, and it felt damn good.  It felt right.

Dean was ready to climax, but he tried to hold on. He wanted to make Stevie feel good, he wanted to make her feel like he felt, being in her and being with her. He could tell Stevie was ready to blow by the way she clawed at the back of his shirt and pulled on his hair. As Dean felt her vagina tighten, he knew she was ready and let himself release at the same time Stevie came.  Both Dean and Stevie let out a loud moan, then Dean stared at Stevie as she opened her eyes to stare back at him. Dean felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time. He loved her.

He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her into a deep kiss until they heard a door close, so Dean pulled out of Stevie and hurried to do up his pants. He quickly grabbed Stevie’s shorts and threw them to her as she quickly put them on and ran to the kitchen. While she calmed herself down from one of the most exhilarating sexual experiences she’s ever had, she cleaned herself up. Dean pulled his chair up to the table and quickly sat down as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. He realized that there was a wet spot on the table where he just had his way with Stevie, so he had to think fast because he could hear footsteps coming down the hall from the garage. He grabbed what was left of Stevie’s cocoa and tipped it over. Seeing Sam come around the corner Dean held his book in front of his face.

“Hey, where’s Stevie?” Sam asked, putting a plastic bag and beer on the table. He pointed at the spilt cocoa while he put the Chinese food down. “What happened here?”

“Sorry, I got it!” Stevie said as she ran into the room holding a towel. “I’m being clumsy tonight I guess.” Stevie said as she threw the towel over the cocoa. Dean put the book down and backed away from the table.

“I’ll help you out. I’ll go and grab a mop and bucket.  Looks like some hit the floor too.” Dean said as he walked past Sam, trying to avoid making eye contact. Why didn’t he think of Sam?  Why didn’t he stop what he was doing to Stevie?  He knew what Stevie meant to Sam but he couldn’t help himself around her.  Everything she did or said drew him to her like a moth to a flame.  He made his way to the janitor’s closet, went in and started to fill the mop bucket.

“I know what you did.” Cas blurted out as he stood in the doorway of the closet looking at Dean with disappointment in his eyes. “I saw everything.” Dean looked at Cas in disbelief at what he just heard him say. Everything? He saw everything?

“You watched us?” Dean asked Cas as he faced him.

“I saw you stick your…” Cas started.

"Enough!” Dean yelled out under his breath. “You saw nothing! You heard nothing!”

“But I did..” Cas tried to reply.

“No, Cas! You need to listen to me! You cannot tell anyone what you saw! Not Stevie, not your little angel friends and especially not Sam!” Dean said as he tried to persuade Cas not to talk. Dean thought to himself that this might take him a bit to try to convince Cas because he’s someone who doesn’t understand what’s at stake.


Once the mess was cleaned and Stevie explained what Dean had found, Sam had unpacked all of the Chinese food and beer onto the table in front of them.  Dean had come back from putting the mop and bucket away and watched as Cas came to join them at the table.  Stevie could feel the tension with Dean and Cas and decided that it was time for her to make herself scarce. She felt awkward sitting across from Sam with what her and Dean just did at that very same table just moments ago.  She felt bad for not stopping Dean.  She really liked Sam but she had a stronger connection with Dean.  With him, the sex was mind blowing and they shared so much in common.  They liked the same music, the same food, the same movies and had the same sense of humour.

“I think I’m going to turn in.” Stevie said as she stretched out her arms and stood up from her chair.

“Are you sure? You haven’t even touched your food.” Sam said, worried that something was bothering Stevie. He could tell something was going on. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m great.” Stevie said, giving Sam a small smile. “I’m just tired that’s all. Didn’t get much sleep last night with the whole, you know, new bunker thing.”

Sam let out a slight laugh and stood up to give Stevie a kiss on her cheek.

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