Chapter 1

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Song: Hate everything- GSoul

I stare up at the ceiling waiting for my morning alarm to go off. This is my morning routine, waking up before my alarm that's set up for 7 am. I lay in bed for at least 30 minutes just letting my mind wander, getting mentally ready for the day ahead. I get startled and flinched as loud ringing echoes throughout the room. It happens every morning. I groan and sit up while dragging my hand down my face. Great, another day that i'm about to waste at work. I guess I should be thankful for my job.I mean it pays well enough with great benefits. I got my degree in business when I turned 23 and got lucky enough to get hired at a bank. Two years later I got promoted as a bank manager. I shouldn't complain but sometimes work is mentally draining.

As I finish getting ready, I hear a ding go off. As I reach for my phone, my heart drops as a reminder pops up on the screen. "Third year anniversary with my Honey!!!! <3" The grip on the phone tightens as my breathing gets heavier. Anger runs through my veins as memories start flashing in my mind.

7 months ago....

"I don't understand why you couldn't answer your phone for three days! I was worried!" I yelled at my boyfriend.

"I can't do this anymore..." he whispers, avoiding any form of eye contact.

I can feel my heart sink as the words come out of his mouth. "W-what do you mean Jooheon?"

"Let's end this. I'm tired. Tired of you always nagging me and begging for my attention," he says in a calm manner as if void of all emotions.

I grab his arm in an attempt to keep myself from falling, feeling as if the world is crumbling beneath me. "I'm your girlfriend Jooheon. All I ask is for you to acknowledge that I exist. I don't understand where all of this is coming from," I plead.

He attempts to take my hand off of him as he looks me in the eyes, "I've been seeing someone else for the past couple months and I've fallen in love with her. Im sorry."

I couldn't do anything but watch as he walks out the door with his luggage, taking everything including my heart with him.

Present day...

I try to blink the tears away. I've cried enough over him. For at least three months after the break up, I've cried, drowned my sorrows in alcohol, and even begged for him back everyday. I prayed everyday that he would show up in my front door and hold me in his arms again. Pathetic. I was pathetic enough to beg for someone who did not want me anymore. I take a deep breath and gather my things for work, I will not subject myself to misery over him anymore. This day that used to have a special day in my heart is now a day full of resentment.

Eight hours has come and gone and not once did he cross my mind. But now that i'm alone, driving home, unwanted memories seem to just appear in my mind.


"Yah! Honey! Stop staring at me, you're distracting me and I need to focus on my driving!" I yelled at my boyfriend who's sitting in the passenger seat.

"I can't help it, my girlfriend is just so beautiful," he says in a sweet tone, two craters on his cheeks deepening as he gives me a gummy smile.

He reaches for my hand which was placed by the gearshift and gives it a quick kiss. I couldn't help but blush and swat his hands away. He gives me another one of his charming grins, "I love you, you know."

End of flashback...

For two years, I have given him everything. I have never loved someone as much as I loved him. We were happy. He was everything I have ever wished for. The way he cared for me, loved me, cherished me. The way he would hold me in the tightest hugs, the way he would caress my face while telling me how much I meant to him. The way he can light up my day with a simple smile, doing everything in his power to cheer me up in my darkest days. It was the perfect relationship with the perfect man. Well, at least I thought so. He not only fooled me but everyone around us. Behind my back, he ran to another woman. For months, I blamed myself for him leaving. I felt as though I never gave him enough. If I did then maybe he would've stayed by my side. Maybe I wouldn't be sleeping in what used to be our bed, drinking myself to sleep. I turned my back on my friends and family as I struggled to live without him.

Seven months have passed and through all the struggle, I have found myself again. I'm finally able to go to bed without tears in my eyes. I've reached out to my closest friends and family in order to mend our relationships. I'm able to wake up without him being the first thing to come to my mind. I've been doing well for a couple months. Well,except for today.

I finally arrived home and changed into comfortable clothes. Contemplating on what to do next, I open my fridge only to be greeted by its emptiness with the exception of yogurt and alcoholic drinks. Grocery shopping has definitely skipped my mind today. I look at the drinks one more time and contemplate drinking my sorrows away.I sigh and shake my head.I refuse to wallow in my own self pity today. As I mumble random things to myself, I hear my ringtone go off. I grab the phone and smile to myself for the first time today as I looked at the caller id. Picking up, I sigh in relief as I hear a familiar voice on the other line.

"Yo y/n! What are you doing?" a cheery voice asked.

"Changkyunnie i just got home from work. I'm looking for something to eat but all I have is yogurt," I laughed.

"Yah! I texted you this morning about not forgetting groceries! I'm coming over with food, stay put you dumbass," he scolded and hung up.

I shake my head, still smiling to myself. If there's one person I'm definitely thankful for being in my life, it's Lim Changkyun. This man has been through every single ups and downs of my life. I think he actually knows me better than myself. We have been friends since we were kids and have been inseparable. We've been taking care of each other for over 15 years and no doubt for many more years after that. We always think about raising hell in whatever nursing home our kids decide to put us in when we can no longer take care of ourselves. We'll always have each other no matter what.

Speak of the devil himself, I lean on the counter as I watch him struggle to open the door with his spare key.

"You could at least help you lil shit," he glares at me while carrying bags with both hands.

"But it's much more fun watching you struggle," I chuckle, finally grabbing a couple bags out of his hand.

After putting the things away, I hear him sigh which causes me to face him.

"What is it?" I ask as I watch him frown, forehead wrinkled in worry.

He grabs my face between his hands and looks me deep in the eyes,"You don't think I know what today is woman? You know damn well I have a great memory. So tell me how you're feeling. Are you sad, upset? Did you cry today? If you did I totally won't judge you. Well I will but I won't say it outloud but you're kinda ugly when you're crying so just don't do that in front of me-"

I cut his rambling off by wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"I'm okay, or I will be soon enough," I whisper in his ear while laying my head on his shoulder.

I'm forever thankful for my bestfriend.

Safe Haven- Lee Jooheon ft. Im Changkyun Where stories live. Discover now