Chapter 8

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Song: Call my name- woogie, gsoul

I wake up to the sun glaring down on me. With squinted eyes, I turn my body away from the window and face the side where Changkyun laid. The rays were hitting his face at a perfect angle, almost making him look ethereal. My hand automatically reaches out to move a strand of hair from his face. My fingers move down to caress his jaw as if they had a mind of their own as I watch him open his eyes. My eyes meet his as I retract my hand away. Almost like a reflex, he grabs hold of it and places it back against his face. My heart does a somersault as he whispers "Don't stop. It feels nice..." His eyes stay locked on mine for a moment then he moves to lay his head on my chest. My hand rakes through his hair while eternally praying that he's unable to hear or feel my racing heartbeat. This was no unusual routine for us which makes how I'm feeling that much more confusing.

In all the years I have known Changkyun, I have never looked at him as more than my best friend, my family. We did have a time where we experimented with each other. We only trusted each other to lose our innocence to. Although it went on for months, it never came between our friendship. Our feelings never crossed the line. There's no doubt that Changkyun is definitely one of the most attractive men I have ever known. Maybe I'm getting everything confused because of the impending arrival of Jooheon. Maybe my emotions are just all mixed up because of the situation.

I snap out of my thoughts as he places his finger under my shirt against my hip bone, pressing down ever so slightly. A shiver runs down my spine.

"Your hands are cold.." I whisper.

He drags his fingers upwards and stops right under my rib cage. My breathing gets heavier as he moves his face against my neck.

"You're so sensitive love," he mumbles against my neck.

"W-what are you doing Kyun?" I stutter out.

He drags his lips from my neck to my ear, "Would I be lying if I said that there's clearly some tension here that has been going on for a while?"

"I just wanna help you out here, love. Let me help with the tension and the stress, yeah?" he asks in a low tone against my ear.

I swallow hard and grip the back of his shirt as he bites my earlobe softly.

"Do you think this is a good idea or even the right time to be doing this?" I question him with a shaky voice.

"Then tell me to stop love. Tell me I'm completely delusional and you don't need me to make you feel better," he drabbles as he kisses down towards my chest and back up to my jaw.

I grab his chin, aligning his face with mine. My eyes move up towards his and back down to his lips. As soon as I see his mouth lift up in a smirk, I pull his face towards me and slam my lips against his.

(TW: light smooooootttt ;) 18+)

He groans against my lips as I thread my fingers through his hair. Changkyun wraps my legs around his waist as my chest heaves.

"It's been so long since we've done this, hmm?" he whispers against my lips.

I try to nod, feeling as though I'm in a haze. He pulls away from my lips and grabs my chin.

"Answer me properly baby. It seems you've forgotten our rules. Do you need a little reminder?" he asks, staring me straight in the eyes.

I nod again, knowing the repercussion that comes with disobeying him. He sighs deeply, putting his thumb against my lower lip, gripping my chin tighter.

I take his thumb in my mouth and lightly suck on it as he watches me intently. I look up into his eyes as my tongue grazes against it. His hips grind against me as my legs tighten around his waist.

Changkyun removes his thumb from my mouth and slams his lips back down on mine. I grab his now free hand and move it up against my throat, giving him permission. He lightly squeezes while I grind my hips against his, a soft moan escaping out of me.

He squeezes my throat a little tighter as he pulls away from my mouth.

"I need your words before I continue baby," he smiles down at me.

"Yes. Make me forget and feel better Kyun. Please," I whisper.

Changyun's smile widens as he gives me a light kiss, "Your wish is my command love," he states as he proceeds to rip my shirt off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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