Chapter Six-Academy

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Sonya's Pov
"You know what is such a strange thought to think about?"

"Sonya your mind is so dirty.. Remember the kids are here."  A small harmless laugh left my lips as I watched Himawari playing with her large stuff animal, a happy smile across her face, Hinata keeping an eye on her youngest son who was around Himawari's age.

Hinata and Kiba's children were shockingly very well mannered, sometimes they got into trouble, I would always think and reflect on all the children.

Sadara was a great mix between Sasuke and
Sakura, Inojin and Shikadai perfect mixes as well. And even Cho Cho and Mitsuki, Tenten and Neji's daughter always made me laugh Riu was another story of a mix of calm and wild.

"Its not dirty minded, well it's kinda if you think about it logically all the girls in the village were pregnant at the same time and gave birth around the same time too." I let a small giggle out when Hinata chocked on her tea her cheeks growing a small flame as she tucked her short hair away fast.

"Wait you aren't wrong.. Everyone was like getting busy all around the same time." She giggled shaking her head a few times.

"But only you would think like that, you never really talk about pregnancy unless you are expecting, are you?" Hinata looked genuinely interested a smile growing on her face. It was my turn to choke on my tea, coughing shyly as I shook my head no.

"Naruto wants another one, but I dont think it's wise to add into like stress, being the Hokage isn't easy." I trailed off quietly setting the empty cup down both me and Hinata still chatting casually.

"I was just gonna ask you that, has it gotten any harder with Naruto not always being at home?" I gave her a small shake to my head no. "Its not as bad, I do miss him like crazy but Boruto is attending the academy today so for the first time it's gonna be just me and Himawari till it's her turn." I grinned gently with a smile.

I watched her with a soft expression spread all over my face propping my hand over my chin a little.

"But one more little one can't hurt, I mean Sakura has been able to survive with Sasuke coming and leaving, I think I can handle being married to a Hokage." The both of us shared a quick laugh with one another before I could hear the telephone ringing, I stood up grabbing it off the hook answering it.

"Hello." I spoke calmly but I pulled the phone away at the large exclaiming.

"Baby! You need to discipline Boruto! He freaking crashed a train in the Hokage faces! He's so freaking bad and doesn't listen to me whenever I discipline him, he ruined the entire entrance academy."  I held back my laughter pinching the edge of my nose for a moment groaning.

"Naruto doesn't that sound like a certain someone who painted all over it?" It was silent from the exclaimed.

"We aren't talking about me though! " I finally let the laughter escape me.

"Alright, alright I'm coming, stop yelling, make him clean it up I'm coming to get him." I told Naruto goodbye before spinning around to speak to Hinata.

"I'm sorry Hinata." I called out, she just flashed me a reassuring smile.

"No it's Boruto I understand go, go." She waved her hand off at me, standing up gathering  her son's attention while I held Himawari up before all four of left the house while I locked it up. For an hour the two of us passed some time for an hour that was enough time for Boruto to finish up his cleaning.

When I finally arrived at the grounds of the academy I saw Naruto scolding Boruto who was grumbling loudly, but he then tensed up seeing me.

"See how are you gonna be more afraid of your mom then me?" Naruto exclaimed out greeting me with a soft kiss to the cheek.

"Cause mom's yelling is scarier." I snickered kneeling down to Boruto's height giving him a deep look, I didn't even say anything but held out my hand.

"Gimme your game, I don't wanna hear any buts and ors give it here." I ordered out. He dug inside his pocket placing it roughly into my grip. I stood back up and stuffed it into my pockets.

"You are always causing trouble in the strangest ways, but you are also grounded for two weeks, and you are gonna catch up on all the school work you are gonna be missing since you can't attend now for the first week." The look of pure horror across his face was so real.

"What! Oh come on mom that's not fair!"

"That's a woman.. God I love your mom."

"Ew Dad stop drooling!"

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