Chapter Two-He Looks Like You

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Sonya's Pov
"He looks exactly like you Naruto."

"No way he looks like you."

"He literally has your blue eyes, blonde hair, and whiskers."

"Okay okay, maybe he does look like me."

It was quite the long exhausting couple of hours of being in labor, he truly was Naruto's son, he just couldn't wait to get out of me.

Totally was one of the most painful things I had ever done, would I do it again? Maybe not for a while. I looked up at Naruto who had his blue eyes trained on watching the sleeping bundle in my arms

I held back a tiny yawn and focused on him some more seeing a smile make its way on my face. "Welcome to the world Boruto Uzumaki." Another faint smile made its way across my face, before the exhaustion took over my body.

I was fluttering my eyes and it looked like Naruto took notice of that "Here I'll hold him while you get some rest, I promise I won't drop our son." I let a sleepy laugh out dropping my head back to rest in the pillows.

"You better not, he doesn't need to have a hard head like you."


When I woke up again, all I could remember was Naruto crying, Boruto being born, me almost breaking Naruto's hand. Oh my God wait I had a baby.

I quickly sat up and I didn't think that was a good idea. I let a small groan out my lower region and even my back was on fire. My hand instantly shot out to grab my lower back.

"I see she finally is awake." I slowly blinked my tired eyes in confusion.  "Shikamaru?" I questioned fully opening my eyes.

He flashed me a soft grin, and standing around in a circle was many of our friends, well mainly the boys were here. Shikamaru, Kiba, Choji, Sai, shocking even Sasuke was along with Lee.

"Sorry princess I didn't think they were being so loud." Naruto was quick to apologize to me carefully showing a panicking Sai how to hold Boruto the right way.

"You guys didn't wake me up, the pain all through my body did." I groaned quietly and looked up when Sasuke was chuckling watching and he sat down in the chair across from me.

"So you just had a baby huh? How did it feel?" He asked me curiously like. I slowly blinked trying to find the right words.

"So imagine that your dick is ripping in half from the small hole and a baby came out of it." I bluntly explained it made all the boys in the room shiver, wince and start whining out loudly.

"Point taken." Sasuke shivered flicking his long hair from his face "He really does look like Naruto." Sasuke chuckled and I smiled keeping my eyes trained in Naruto.

"He cried as soon as he was out." I giggled "Baby you gotta be quiet shhh don't tell them." Naruto whined loudly, but I just kept laughing shaking my head.

"Who would ever imagine you too would have been the ones who got married first and had a kid first." Sasuke breathed out an amused chuckle glancing back at me.

I also chuckled playing with the blanket on the hospital bed. "It was a shock that the friendship me and him had turned into love, but I don't see myself loving anyone else, he's one step closer to becoming Hokage, Kakashi says it every day so I wanna be here the whole time to see it." I scrunched my face up when Sasuke poked my forehead with his fingers.

"Don't do that." I huffed leaning back before I tugged the blanket off, scooting to the edge of the bed I wanted to get up and walk around cause my legs didn't feel right.

"Sonya what the hell are you doing!" Kiba yelled over at me and I looked at him in confusion, just inches away from getting off the bed.

"Taking a walk in the halls." I trailed off looking at the shocked expressions when Naruto.

"Baby you just gave birth not long ago like eleven hours ago, you can't walk yet," Naruto said in a concern and stern voice.

"I can't feel my legs, I also am a ninja I am fine." I chuckled and slowly stood up, but I really was overthinking cause the pain that shot through my body made me double over quite fast, whining and groaning with small tears leaving me.

Sasuke yanked me back down to lay back down and I huffed crossing my arms over my chest.

"That didn't hurt." I lied, puffing out my chubby cheeks "we told you so." Everyone chimed in unison.

"Oh hush up!" I looked away at the wall. A smile staying across my face. Yeah, welcome to the world sweetie. Our world is quite crazy.

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