Chapter Five-Never More

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Sonya's Pov
"What do you guys think about having another sibling?"

"Why so I can have another annoying sister?"

"Cause I wanna put another one in your mom-Ow!"

"Naruto." I warned fast my face heated while he was grumbling loudly rubbing at his ear that was now throbbing a hard red color.

"What I am serious, Boruto is twelve, he should know this." Naruto exclaimed slowly slouching I laughed gently picking up Himawari to hold on my lap a little rocking her slowly.

"What did daddy mean?" She asked me I rubbed at her back.

"He's just being how he always is." I gave a look at Naruto who held his hands up innocently messing with his hair.

"Okay but like in my defense Kurama is like acting wild, think he has some kind fox heat." Naruto snickered out.

"For right now okay no new siblings." I gave a warning look to Naruto who just chuckled whining.

"Ah man, you'll give in soon! You are holding on to things baby." He leaned in kissing my cheek deeply grinning.

"And don't you have to get ready for the ceremony?" He was quick to make such a fast look.

"Oh right! Make sure you get my Hokage jacket from the granny! She moves so slow." Naruto sprung up leaving me shaking my head with laughter.  I grabbed all my hair tying it up into a back puff on my head.

"You two go get ready too, the whole village prepares for this." I snickered out deeply slipping on my shoes hearing the two exclaiming out while they went to their rooms. I headed out for a very long day I was prepared for.

I held the package with the Hokage jacket watching as it shines through the sun. I think it's gonna look really good on Naruto. I shook the thoughts away, unlocking the door I was surprised by the largest mess in the world.

"Oh lord." I whispered sighing I saw Naruto was passed out on the floor.

"Naruto?!" I rushed over to him and picking him up seeing it wasn't something serious. I sighed roughly and knew he was gonna yell at me later but he wasn't in a deep unconscious state.

I slapped him so hard hearing the loudest gasp and yelp he shot up. But bumped his head on my chest. "Naruto what the hell happened?" I questioned.

"Oh baby it's you Sonya. Boruto ripped Himawari toy and they were fighting she activated her power punches like you! She punched me so hard Kurama felt it." He whined his hand grabbing at his stomach.

"But are you okay?"  I questioned fast.

"Maybe I need some you know boobs in my face." I dropped his head making it hit the floor.

"You're alright, where are they?" I questioned standing up.

"Uhh before I got the air knocked out of me, they were near the laundry room." I smacked my face roughly.

"What would you guys do without me?" I laughed helping Naruto up.

"Go get ready we are gonna be late." I told him chuckling.

"Boruto and Himawari! I'm too tired for this!"

"Mom's back save me!"

I think more then anything was such a stressful day with a my family that was more wild then anything. I hadn't been to a Hokage ceremony since Lady Tsunade and Kakashi's but you look can see how happy Naruto was.

He was beyond happy and I was proud. I smiled clapping my hands with everyone else once glancing down at Boruto and Himawari she grinned looking up at me.

"It took your dad a really long time to get to this day, so when you have a chance tell him how proud you are." I smiled picking up Himawari fixing her white dress a bit.

"I'm proud of daddy." She grinned gazing at me making me chuckle softly nuzzling her cheek.

"I'm proud of him too. " I grinned a little. The ceremony lasted quite long before I took the kids home to rest and make dinner.

"Mom where's dad!" Boruto shouted towards me. I jolted wiping my hands off.

"Celebrating." I answered back chuckling I heard knocks at the door perking me up.

I set the towel to the side heading to the front door.

I yanked it open and stepped back letting a small laugh out watching Shikamaru, Lee, Kiba, Shino, Neji, Choji sadly Sasuke was away doing his usual mission.

"Sorry he kinda drank way too much, but at least you'll have a fun night!" Kiba laughed loudly while Naruto was being held up by Lee and Shikamaru.

"Kiba that's not funny." I laughed but I wrapped my arms around Naruto when he face planted in my chest making me snicker holding him close to me.

"Yeah have fun. " Shikamaru wiggled his eyebrows at me. Everyone laughing slowly.

Well babe you worked hard for this enjoy it you deserved it.

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