Chapter Three-First Steps

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Sonya's Pov
After a little, while me and Naruto got very used and adjusted to having a little baby boy around the house. It was basically the best thing to have a mini Naruto. Boruto would get fuzzy from the slightest thing and was very greedy when it came to sharing me.

I remember the first week when we brought him home. Naruto was fuming since he couldn't cuddle me that much since Boruto had staked his claim on my chest. I laughed for days. Before we knew it the baby years flew by before anything and Boruto slowly turned one.

I also had more news to tell Naruto about us having another child but that surely could have waited while he busy. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner like usual, making sure to keep an eye on Boruto who was babbling and playing with his toys.

I was a little worried about Boruto he was a late bloomer. All our friend's kids were already starting to take their first steps and even were teething fully. Boruto only had a few teeth popping out but I didn't wanna rush him.

I looked back at the food I was cooking calling out to Naruto who was napping on the couch. "Naruto! Wake up and try this." I called.  I heard spring of the couch and Naruto groaning "I'm coming baby hold on." I shut the stove off and I heard his footsteps before he was standing near me and I gave him the spoon which he took slowly trying it.

"It's amazing like always." I released a small giggle when he kissed my cheek all over nuzzling into me but I had to quickly check where Boruto was, and I had a quick mini freak out. "Naruto where's Boruto!" I quickly spun around in shock seeing he was gone from his spot.

I gripped my hair and started panicking but I felt smalls hands were wrapped around my legs. I took a glance down to see a happy Boruto standing. My mini panic attack faded but I then pouted gazing at Naruto who was shaking with laughter.

"Naruto! This isn't funny we missed his first steps." I pouted. Boruto was babbling loudly, giggling happily. I slowly scooped him up propping him up on my hip turning to face Naruto who was giggling madly.

"Alright! Aww come on Sonya he took his footsteps! He'll have many more we can see." I smiled softly and pressed a kiss on Boruto's cheek making him blow out his tongue deeply clapping his hands.

"He really is my son." Naruto laughed quietly slowly picking him up making little faces while gently tossing him up in the air making him laugh and squeak loudly grabbing at Naruto's face. I smiled leaning on the stove a bit watching them closely.

"The next baby we have has to be a girl baby, I don't think you can handle more boys taking over the house." I quickly bit my lip to stop myself from giggling and bursting out. I don't think Naruto knows yet which might make his reaction ten times better.

"Um, babe." I called gently slowly playing with my wedding ring twisting it around with a giggle "Yes?" He called back still playing with Boruto happily. "it is a girl actually, I just found out a few days ago." Naruto quickly snapped his head towards me his eyes growing wide.

He placed Boruto on his hip speaking out quickly. "You're pregnant? Again! Oh my god, I'm amazing! Another one we are having another one!" I stiffened my laughter even more nodding.

"Yes... Is it really that hard to notice I'm pregnant?" I questioned glancing down I touched my very obvious large bump, looking back at Naruto who was blushing in embarrassment.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I am used to your body being just a little chubby, your stomach is my favorite." He chuckled huskily like making me just slightly embarrassed whining loudly.

"Well, mister obviously you've been busy cause we are on child number two." I giggled some more laughing when Naruto came over towards me still holding Boruto he then hugged me tightly all of us in a big group hug.

"Our family is gonna be big and amazing! God, I love you." He whined kissing all over my face Boruto still pressed into his chest who was laughing.

"Ew Naruto germs." I whined giggling watching him flash me a playful look "Trust me you've had way more of my germs in you." I squeaked quickly covering his mouth "Child in the room! Naughty dad." I giggled shaking my head with amusement. More little feet in the growing household?

What's the real worst that can happen with a boy and a girl. I thought smiling to myself.

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