Chapter Seven-Grounded

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Sonya's Pov
"Mom! Come on this is so not fair, dad never got punished like this it's so much homework." A single glance wasn't spared Boruto's way scrubbing roughly at the like of bowls in the sink, Himawari happily colouring at the table next to him.

"That's because your dad didn't have anyone to guide him and tell him that his pranks were wrong. You on the other hand have two parents and your dad who is the hokage. This is your punishment Boruto no games. And to finish that homework otherwise I know Shino he'll just give you more." Even more grumbles were sent my way, shutting off the warm water. A very deep breath I took dropping my head down for a moment to hold onto the edge of the sink.

These kids were gonna be the death of me, so much like their father they were. A small dizzy spell had washed down over me, cleaning off my hands the best I could feel two pairs of eyes on me sharply, so quick like. "Mom you okay?" Boruto had stood up from the table and made his way over towards me gazing up at me, I flashed him a soft smile.

"Yeah I'm okay sweetie, think I've been working too hard." I rubbed my palm across my temple for a moment, ruffling the top of his head a couple times to reassure him that everything was alright. I took one step back though to give him a little space wrong move, the black dots flooded into my vision so quickly.



That feels really nice.. The coldness was washing down over my heated body in one rush, the little droplets causing my eyes to flutter a few times.

"Is she okay dad? I'm sorry I tried to catch her but I didn't wanna hurt her!" I scrunched my face up for a moment at the growing louder voices, the blurry fading focusing on in the three figures around me.

"No you did the right thing getting me Boruto your mother is overly stressed and now has me extremely worried. The doctor well.. Oh look she's awake baby?" I lifted my hand up to grab at the wash cloth gently for a moment a soft exhale exiting out from my chest speaking seeing the tears flooding down Himawari's face.

"Naruto? I blacked out in the kitchen didn't I?" He was holding Himawari on his hip, while Boruto had climbed into the bed fast sitting on my side with worry all in his blue eyes.

"You did yeah, Boruto ran all the way to the Hokage office and got me. No this isn't a clone I'm really here. I brought Sakura here to check in on you and well." He smiled shaking his head a couple times sinking his shoulders back.

"You had everyone worried." I sat up gently the bed creaking and shifting a little in position, setting the wash cloth to the side.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you guys. I didn't even realize I was stressing myself out." Naruto nibbled on his lower lip a couple times.

"Well baby.. One of the causes of your dizzy spell is that you are pregnant again, we are having a baby." He exclaimed quickly the grin staying over his face. My eyes widen so quickly looking down at my stomach for a moment seeing even Boruto looked down as well quickly.

"Another one! No." He whines out crossing his arms quickly in disbelief.

"Yay a baby!" Himawari shouted her tears soon not leaving her anymore she jumped down from Naruto's arms to hug me quickly curling up into my side.

"Another one?" I said through my soft laughter focusing on Naruto who grinned at me happily leaning over to kiss my temple a couple times with ease, also setting himself down on the edge of our large bed I could tell happiness was overflowing with him and he was having a hard time keeping it all inside.

"Yes another one, looks like I got my wish-ow! What was that for?"

"You aren't funny Naruto at this rate I'm gonna be pregnant all through my thirties."

"I wasn't hearing you complaining at night when you were taking it-"

"Dad that's gross!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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