Chapter One-Pregnant With Boruto

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Sonya's Pov
The little smile wouldn't leave my face one bit. And I seemed to be way more emotionally then I would like to be. But I got out the little camcorder that  Konohamaru used to film all the video wedding messages. It felt like yesterday the wedding just happened.

Among mine and Naruto's friends, we were the first ones to get married. My bet was that Kiba and Hinata would be second. Then Temari and Shikamaru.

Then Ino and Sai, followed by Choji and Karui then finally Sasuke and Sakura. The final video message played making me smile wiping under my cheek and I quickly inhaled glancing down at my stomach.

I was kinda already a semi-big girl, but after a few months I'm now twice my size and I needed to tell  Naruto as soon as possible and I was struggling every day.

He either is extremely busy one day. Or tired he hasn't fully become Hokage yet, but I feel it happened. I've been pregnant for a few months now and I was officially able to go to the doctor here in the village and learn of the gender it was a boy and I know Naruto had every right to know.

I'll tell him tonight, I'll cook and make it all nice and whatnot. I shut the camcorder and set it on the little table across from the couch and tugged my shirt down over my large growing bump slowly rubbing it getting a soft and tiny kick in return.

"You have energy like Naruto don't you little one?"

"You're home!" I squealed quickly wrapping my arms around his neck squealing loudly "Woah someone happy to see me." Naruto released a soft laugh out, the raspiness of his voice hitting my ears.

He shut the door behind us and I pulled back softly and kissed him happily which he returned holding my sides. I was being careful not to press my bump into him and grinned on his lips.

"I cooked dinner for you, and I have a little news." I pulled all the away and grabbed Naruto's bandaged hand into my own not forgetting the little eyebrow lift he gave me a soft smile.

"It smells really good I forgot how amazing your cooking is, I'm starting to eat ramen less and less." He joked.

I just gave him a playfully smile and exposed the kitchen table with all the little foods for us. Squealing when Naruto back hugged me burying his head onto the back of my neck rubbing my sides in his grips.

"You treat me so well baby thank you, it all looks really amazing." He pressed a big kiss onto my cheek. Making me grow just a little flustered butterfly flying straight back into my stomach like they did many many years ago.

We were swaying silently in the kitchen before I slowly whispering knowing he was listening very closely "Naruto? Have you ever wanted kids?" I let the small question slipped out of my lips before I heard Naruto chuckling much more onto my neck.

"Actually I have yeah, and judging from what Kurama keeps sensing and telling me, you're five months along, almost six and its a boy." My mouth quickly formed a small o, and I spun around at an insanely fast rate all my black curls bouncing in surprise.

"Wait- you know." I stammered out fast really hoping he wasn't mad at me or was gonna yell. He had a grin plastered across his lips, casually placing his hands behind his head his baby blue eyes looking at me.

"Darling you really couldn't have hidden that from me when I have a nine-tailed fox inside me that sense almost everything, he claims he knew as soon as we finish doing it." Naruto quickly put a quote around doing it giggling madly.

"But I'm so excited a boy! We have to name him Boruto, Sonya imagine it, Naruto and Boroto and maybe a few years later we can try for another yeah?" Naruto was grinning so happily my look of surprise still staying across my face.

He then swopped me back into his arms, holding me protectively around him, and he pressed his lips onto mine for a happy kiss, which I slowly had to return with a smile cupping his cheeks, letting my fingers lightly trace his whiskers giggling.

"And all this time I was afraid to tell you and you already knew you sly fox," I whispered feeling him still smiling on my lips.

"Well, your mood swings gave it away a lot plus when you would get in the mood a lot- ow! What was that for." I elbowed him in the stomach fast laughing quietly slipping away from him walking into the kitchen more "Naruto hush up!"

"I'm speaking the truth!"

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