Chapter Four-Two Little Devils

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*Large time skip, I'm also using canon Naruto so when he is older he looks like Minato cause why the hell not

*Large time skip, I'm also using canon Naruto so when he is older he looks like Minato cause why the hell not

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Sonya's Pov
Like father like son, so that means like daughter like mother then. My life has never been more fulfilled then I ever had in my life. I had two amazing kids who somehow were the little devils of a life time. Boruto was just like his father, and Himawari was beautiful.

She was now only ten while Boruto was twelve. Watching them grow up was something very very interesting actually, Himawari was kinda quiet but she would always help me with little things around the house. She had these beautiful round baby blue eyes of Naruto but then she had my deep black hair that when ever it got wet it would turn into a small wavy mess.

She had a tiny little color to her skin, but over all our kids looked more like Naruto then anything. Over the time Naruto grew older and so did I. But his looks some how never faded him. In fact his hair grew slightly a little longer thanks to my magic touch of doing his hair all the time.

And in a few days he would be sworn in to become the seventh hokage and he was bubbling with more excitement each day. I pressed a gentle kiss on Himawari forehead placing the large teddy bear closer to her, I then switched on her little night light sleepy stretching.

I then popped out my back moving all my curls over my shoulders before leaving her room going into the bedroom. A mother's job was never done. I plopped down on the bed with a huge sigh slipping my shoes off slipping off my top leaving me in this my bra hearing the loud crash of thunder and rain hitting down on the village.

How was it storming outside but hot as hell in the bedroom? I felt a small dip and shift in the bedroom before I felt slight wet arms secure around my waist. I smiled just faintly in the bed sheets feeling Naruto nuzzle into my shoulder blades and all.

"Hey baby, how you feeling?" He muttered pressing soft kisses to my exposed shoulders. I giggled sleepy like humming a small bit feeling his hands rub at my sides and move gently towards my thighs.

"I'm sleepy, and stressed you know today Boruto and Himawari broke another vase today." I snickered quietly humming in contact leaning closer to Naruto's wandering hands.

"Yikes they really are my kids, I heard you spent time with Hinata and Kiba how is Kayno?" A small pout formed on my face "He is so well behaved like he kept calling me ma'am and was just so polite I kept thinking how come are kids have to be devils." I laughed out loudly with Naruto who made me turn to face him.

"Well maybe we just have to pop out a few more till they aren't brats right, hmm Kurama agrees." Sometimes you can't get tired of his stamina.

"So two little Uzumaki's weren't enough for you future Hokage." I squeaked out when he had me pinned down on the bed both of tangled up in the sheets.  He was prepping my neck with little kisses all the way down towards my jaw. Through the lamps all around the room giving off a faint glow I could see the little faint smirk he threw at me.

"One more can't hurt." He muttered slowly making his kisses travel all the way down. I almost gasp and gave in when he was tugging my pants down almost tugging my panties down with his teeth, till my mom instincts kicked in when the next round of thunder crashed down and I heard footsteps rushing towards the bedroom fast.

"Naruto!" I quickly exclaimed fast accidentally kicking him off the bed.  I gasped sitting up when he was knocked off the bed and I started laughing loudly covering my mouth but I was quick to tug my clothes back on right away fixing myself up when the door burst up both Himawari and Boruto entering the room.

"Mom! There's something under my bed it's too loud." She yelped out little tears leaving the corner of her eyes. "She's being a baby mom." Boruto rolled his eyes deeply but I watched him jump when another crash of thunder rolled by.

"Why is dad on the floor?" Boruto muttered. "This is abuse woman." Naruto weakly moaned out sitting up. He was still shirtless water dripping from his hair. I was still snickering and laughing loudly.

"You guys wanna sleep in here with us tonight?" I offered the both of them hadn't exactly done that in a long while. They didn't even give me answers before they were climbing in the bed Boruto instantly was snuggling up to me happily while Naruto had climbed back into the bed grumbling but held Himawari close.

"You two are too old for this." He huffed out, but I shot him a small look that made him shut up. "Fine just this once." Naruto laughed shutting off his lamp followed by me doing the same I stroked Boruto's hair humming to get him to sleep.

Sooner or later he wasn't gonna let me do this anymore he would be started at the academy soon. Yeah our little family. I thought with a smile.

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