Chapter 1- The Attacker.

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© All Rights Reserved To LuciaPayne_1D

Chapter 1- The Attacker

Bailey's POV

"C'mon, Bailey!" Hannah shouted as I made my way from the club. "Don't be such a drag!" She begged.

"Sorry, Han, I have to go, I need to study for my exam tomorrow. " I lied.

The drunk girl rolled her eyes and stumbled back into this club. I chuckled and copied Hannah's actions, and I began walking again. An grin spread across my face. There is no test that I need to study for... I had finished secondary school last year, and I didn't plan on going to college.

I wiped the smirk from my face, as I left the club behind, the loud music booming through the speakers was fading quickly. Cold air nipped at my skin, making small bumps appear. I shivered, before sliding my arms through the sleeves of my leather jacket.

I occupied my bored mind with meaningless thoughts as I continued the walk to my apartment. It was a nice ten minute stroll at the most, although at night, a bit intimidating.

My eyes wandered over to the large sign on at the corner of a dark alley way. '46348 Ave and 78th Street' It read. I was just about to look away again, when I heard a sharp scream. Anxiety stirred in my stomach, and I hesitantly called out to the person. "Hello?"

"Please help me!" A raspy voice came out from the darkness. "In pain!" It spoke again.

I rushed towards the person in need, my subconscious not thinking anything of it. "What's the matter?" I crouched down to the hunched over man.

"A good looking one too." The once scratchy, injured voice was completely healed, showing no sign of anguish.

The apprehensive feeling that had settled in the pit of my stomach boiled over again, and I straightened my posture.

The man copied me, standing up straight. The light radiating off the moon reflected off his pale face. I was no longer sure if he classified as a man. He had deep red eyes that looked inhumanly impossible, and long sharp fangs that looked as if they could cut through anything in it's path.

I winced as he forcefully grabbed my hips, pushing me up against the brick wall. "W-who are you?" I choked out.

His grip on my waist tightened, making the pain much greater. Who was he? What was he doing to me?

The deep voice chuckled. "I could say so may things." My attacker lent down, his hot breath tickling my ear. "Your worst nightmare. All that shit. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." I could feel his cheek on mine, it was an abnormal temperature, freezing cold.

"What do you want from me?" I shouted at him. My eyes raked over his features again and again. He had brown hair that hung naturally in disheveled tightly bound ringlets. I couldn't help but feel something other than fear stir in my stomach when I looked into his red eyes. My clouded thoughts made it impossible to put a name on the emotion, though.

His fingers stroked my neck, circling the same spot, over and over again. "Don't worry, baby girl. You won't feel a thing." The human looking creature opened his mouth wide and lowered it down to my neck. I could feel his teeth grazing my jugular vain.

"Please don't!" I spoke loud. Loud enough to make him startle.

He laughed and backed away. Now that I could see his full body, the emotion that bubbled deep inside of me gave itself a label. Attraction.

Despite the situation, I couldn't help but feel infatuated with him. When I looked at his inhumane features, I saw beauty. He was beautiful.

"But I have to." He paced back and forth ahead of me. His cocky attitude disappeared and he looked as if he was at war with himself.

His good looks didn't stop my desperate want to escape, though. I knew better, and I was pretty sure I could guess what was going to happen next. I hadn't ever believed in supernatural creatures... Until now, that is. There was actors in movies that had the same characteristics as him, they were called Vampires.

"People always say those things. 'Who are you', 'Why are you doing this', 'Please don't kill me'." He spoke, his voice cracking.

My attacker was facing the dead end of the alley now. I looked the other way, the street lights shone bright, my heart beat quickened and I sprinted towards the road.

I breathed in relief as I made it to the sidewalk, but I made the mistake of slowing my pace. And the immortal landed in front of me. I let out an ear piercing scream, as he took hold of my wrists. .

"And they always try to run." He continued. This time, he did not hesitate. He violently sunk his fangs into my neck.

I moved my hands to his shoulders, trying to push him off, but he was too strong. A whimper escaped my lips as I began to feel light headed. My knees gave way and I fell into the creatures arms, the darkness overtaking me.


I struggled to open my eyes, and light came in through the tiny split I had managed to create. I sat up, unbearable pain crushed my neck, and I screamed loudly, clamping my hand onto the injured area. The pain loosened and I removed my hand. I took in the sight of my room. Looking to the light source that the window provided- I noticed the figure of a man.

I was the same long torso, and curly hair. His head turned, and he smirked.

I scampered to the edge of the bed, resting my back on my plain white wall. "What did you do to me?" I squeaked, my voice was breaking with each word I let slip out.

"What I usually do." He sat on the bed, as close to me as he could get.

Taking in his new features, the terrifying feeling in my stomach faded slightly. His red iris' were replaced with bright green ones, and his fangs were gone. He looked completely normal. Human. I held my breath as he leaned in closer. He nudged my head up, slipping his face in the crook of my neck. I shivered, his skin was no longer cold and icy, it was warm and soft. Making me feel slightly comforted. Tears escaped my eyes, and I felt his lips place themselves exactly where the pain was coming from. Was he kissing me?

The once immortals head popped up, putting itself close to mine, and I startled when he spoke. "You tasted amazing." A low chuckle filled my ears. "I might have to come back for you, so don't do anything you'll regret." He threatened. "You don't need to be scared though, love. Bye." He got up and opened the window, stepping onto the fire escape, and scurrying down the stairs.

My heartbeat slowed and I calmed my breathing, knowing that he was gone.

But his words still replayed in my head.

"I might have to come back for you, so don't do anything you'll regret."


What do you guys think of the first chapter? I worked really hard, and I think that it's one of my best! Thank you so much for reading, it means a lot to me, and I hope you know that I love all of you. Leave lots of comments, I love your guys' feedback! :) ~LUCIA<3

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