Chapter 16- How 'Bout We Start Over!

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Steps to getting my revenge-

1) Give them my fake revenge.

2) Make them think I forgive them.

3) Make Harry think I like him.

4) Make Harry fall in love with me.

And Finally...

5) Crush him.

Number five, particularly caught my attention. It was the most important, if none of the others succeed, I at least, want this one too.

I massage my temples, and slip off my bed. My feet carry me down the hall, where I can hear the boys talking quietly.

"Do you think she knows we were awake?" Zayn asks.

"I don't think so, I think we pulled off the fake sleeping bit." Louis confirms.

"Yeah, You would think she'd know that a vampire would smell her coming!" Niall laughed.

"Well, at least we know that she's not coming after us with some sick kind of back up plan!"

"Well, at least she thinks that she got her revenge. I still can't believe I let her straighten my hair!" Harry mutters.

I furrow my brows. They weren't sleeping? Wow, they are good actors! I could have sworn they were all out cold! But then again, they are bloodsuckers, Niall was right, I was stupid to think that they wouldn't have known I was coming. I shake my head, and turn the corner. "Hey guys!"

"Hi, Bailey." They chorus, quietly.

"I wanted to talk to you about something..." I trail off.

I had to do this, and I had to pull it off.

"Okay, talk." Liam urged on.

"Well, since I'm not leaving, and your not leaving anytime soon..." I rolled my eyes before continuing. "I think that fighting is stupid, I need to learn to deal with all this shit, this bickering isn't going to help."

"So, your saying?" Harry gave me a dirty look, he was still mad about me straightening his hair! He could have stopped me, but he chose not too, so this is technically his fault!

"I'm saying..." I took a deep breath before forcing the words out of my mouth. "How 'bout we start over?"

They looked at me, faces blank. "Your serious?" Louis broke the silence.

"Yeah, I'm serious." I step closer to them. "I don't want to fight, with any of you. Including Harry."

The boys looked at each other for reassurance. "Okay... Truce." Niall said.

"Yay!" I chirped. "Now, should we finish that 'get to know each other' night?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"I don't see why not." Liam flopped down on the couch. "Let's watch a movie!"

"I don't have too many, we could watch a horror film?" I suggest.

Each of them cheered, earning a weird look from me. "Excited much?" I asked Harry, once we sat down.

"We love horror movies." He cooed.

It was so funny, looking at him with straight hair. Somehow, he still managed to look quite handsome. "Why? They're freaky!"

"I don't know..." He trailed off.

I sat down next to him, faking a bright smile. I lent into his shoulder, and hugged my knees upto my chest.

Zayn turned out the lights, and set down a bowl of popcorn down in front of us. He gave Harry a bright smile, and winked at me.

I scoffed, and pushed him playfully.

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