Chapter 12- The Bet...

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Chapter 12- The Bet...

I catch Harry's eye as I whip around. "Why do they always make me stay with you?!" I squeal.

He smirks and flops down on the couch. "Actually, I asked to stay with you. They made me promise to keep calm though."

I furrowed my brows. "Why would you ask to stay with me?"

"Because... I wanted to have a little chat with you. Come sit, Bailey." He patted the spot next to him.

"No!" I snapped. "I do not want to talk to you!"

Harry shook his head and closed his eyes in annoyance. "You are"

"So what, Harry?" I moved closer to him.

He bit his lip and stood up. "Bipolar!"

"Bipolar? What the hell is your problem? If anything you are bipolar." I crossed my arms over my chest and dropped a hip.

He laughed and did the same. "Nope, you are. One moment you are all over me and then the next you are being such a bitch."

"I am not a bitch! You are just a prick! And I was never all over you, You were all over me!" I defended myself.

"Nah." Harry leaned against the counter. His curls bouncing as he shook his head.

"You are so annoying! I cannot stand you!"

He laughed before replying. "I'm not that crazy about you either, babe."

I groaned and walked towards him. "Make up your fucking mind! You always say you hate me, but then you go and try to kiss me!"

"You make up your mind!" Harry was starting to get angered, his expression was hardening, and muscles were tensing. "Your the exact same way! You can't blame this all on me, you kissed back!"

My mind wandered for a comeback. "Y-you..."

His face softened, and he smirked. He stepped forward, and grabbed my hand, puling me into him.

My cheeks flushed, and I kept my gaze on my feet. "What are you doing?" I mumbled.

Harry nudged my head up, and tucked his own into the crook of my neck.

I felt his warm breath tickle across my skin. His mouth moved up to my earlobe, where he gently started to nibble on the lobe.

"No comeback?" He chuckled. Harry started to kiss down my jaw.

"St-stop." My teeth chattered.

"Mm, no." He stated simply. Harry playfully nipped at my neck. I started to giggle as a low growl escpaed his throat.

"Harry." I gripped his shoulders, trying to create some distance between us.

"Bailey." He mocked. His lips trailed to my collar bones. And without warning, he pulled back.

I opened my eyes to see Harry grinning. He was obviously proud of himself, and it made me sick.

"See what I mean?" He asked.

I clenched my fist, before slamming it into his chest. "Your a jerk!"

I moved my had back to hit him a second time, but he caught my wrist and flipped us around, so that my back was to the counter.

"And you... Are a bipolar bitch." He grinned.

"Get off me, Harry!" I struggled and wiggled under his grip.

"You know what?"

"What?" I snarled, still squirming.

"We should make a bet!" His green orbs met mine, and his dimples caved in as he smiled.

"What kind of bet?" I questioned, my body tensed.

His body retracted from mine, "like, who can hold out the longest. You say that I'm all over you, and I say that your all over me.This is a real way to test it. Who ever gives into the sexual frustration first, looses." He explains.

A small smile broke on my face. This sounded fun. I loved bets, especially when you can tease someone. "I'll do it, but if I win, which I will, what do I get?"

Harry scoffed, "I am obviously going to win."

I rolled my eyes, "what will the winner get?" I asked again.

"They have to do whatever the other person wants for a week!" He piped up.

"Sounds good!" I hold out my hand for him to shake.

He excepts. But Harry's hand lingers on mine, before he pulls me into his chest.

"I just have to do one thing before we start." He said.

"What?" I furrowed my brows.

His face inched closer to mine. "This." He replied, before his lips met mine.

I didn't move away, instead, I kissed back. I let myself feel what I felt.

His mouth moved in sink with mine.

For once, it wasn't forceful, it wasn't full of anger, or lust, it was full was passion, and feelings.

He pulled back, and moved to sit on the couch. "Starting now." Harry said.

This bet might be a bit tougher than I though.


I'm so sorry guys! I haven't updated in forever! I know, you pobably hate me.... :(

But anyways, I hope you like this chapter, what do you guys think about their bet?

You know, I was thinking, when I wrote the story, that I was bound to get hate on it, like for writing about Harry Styles, or for not being a good enough writer, but I haven't got 1 ounce of hate!  That makes me so happy! :)

This chapter is dedicated to love_for_dark she is a sweety! Everyone go follow her! :)

Any ways,


You guys did so well on the last one, it amazed me! I mean, over a hundred comments!? Thats amzing! :)

Thanks so much! :)


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