Chapter 22- Be Careful!

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Chapter 22- Be Careful!

I forced his bitter blood down my throat, nearly choking multiple times. After swallowing it, I pulled away, disgusted.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. His finger tips gently brushed my cheek bones, sending small tingles all over my body.

I nodded, unable to speak. The frantic situation around me, was overwhelming. On the other side of the room, Liam, Zayn and Niall were still trying to calm Louis down.

My gaze adverted to Louis, but I quickly looked away once I felt firm hands grab my shoulders. "Don't look at him, Bailey."

I could hear Harry's heavy breathing above me. My eyes traveled up his body, and landed on his face.

His jaw was quenched, lips pressed into a thin line. His face was becoming more enraged by the second. His dark black eyes were narrowed in Louis' direction, and his grip was becoming more prominent on my shoulders.

I winced a little, and I could almost feel his fingers leaving bruises. "Harry..." I soothed.

I was shoved to the side roughly, while Harry stomped past me.

In seconds he was at Louis' side, hands fisting at the collar of his shirt, and legs dangling off the ground.

"What the hell, Louis!?" He snarled. "Can't you control yourself, you bastard!?"

I took a small step forward, before Liam came to my aid. "Don't go any closer, Bailey." He warned. "This could get dangerous."

I watched as the furious Harry continued to yell at Louis.

"Who do you think you are? You can't just mirror her and get away with it!"

"Haz, mate. Calm down." Zayn layed a gentle hand on his shoulder, but Harry returned it with a forceful shove towards the wall.

I had never seen him this angry before. He looked as if he could kill Louis! And I bet if someone didn't stop him soon, he would.

"She's mine." Harry brought his face closer to Louis' before letting go of his shirt, and throwing him on the ground.

Louis barely had any time to scramble away, before Harry was back at it.

This time, he kneeled down beside him, and his hand found its way to Louis' throat.

"You hear me, Louis? She is mine, only mine. You can't have her, no one can, she's mine." He repeated.

His words tugged at my heart, but they also made me confused. What did he mean I was 'his'?

This was the last straw, before Harry started to pound on Louis' face. I can't imagine the pain he must have felt, Harry's punches were loaded with vampire strength. Each time fist came down on Louis' cheek, he yelled 'Mine' again.

Why wasn't I doing anything? Why was I just standing here watching him beat up his best mate?

It only took seconds for my brain to connect with my feet, I lunged forward.

Before I could get too far, I was stopped by Liam. "Bailey, don't!"

"Liam! He's beating up his best friend! I can't let him do this!" By now, tears had filled my eyes, and poured over. "None of you guys are doing anything about it, so I have to!" I shouted in his face.

He let go of my arm, and nudged me forward, before whispering in my ear. "Be careful!"

I sprinted forward, and collapsed beside Harry. "Please! Stop! Harry, stop!" I pleaded.

He pushed my hands away from his face, and continued to beat poor Louis senseless.

I wound my hand into his hair, and leaned in close to him. "Harry please, stop. Your beating the shit out of your best mate! Please stop!"

His punches slowed down a bit, and I could see tears brimming his eyes.

"Harry, your scaring me, stop."

This seemed to get his attention, immediately, he fell back, his head in his hands. I could hear him quietly sobbing.

I watched the other boys take an injured, but quickly healing Louis out of the room, before moving in to comfort Harry.

I sat down on my knees beside him, and slung my arms around his neck. "Shh, Harry. It's okay..." I cooed.

"No it's not!" He hiccuped. "I hurt him, Bailey! My best mate!"

"Hey, hey." I pulled his hands away from his beautiful face, and too them in my own. "He'll be fine, he's okay!"

He sighed before looking up, his watery eyes meeting mine. "I don't know what your doing to me."

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?"

"You. You do something to me." He looked at the floor shyly, before looking back up again. "The way you move, your smile, your laugh, the way you breathe, everything, Bailey. I'm so captivated by you." He moved closer to me, and leaned his forehead on my own. "You have the power to make me so mad, but then in an instant you can bring me back again. It's crazy, no one has been able to that to me... Ever."

My heart rate picked up, and I swear it skipped multiple beats.

"I'm not sure what it is, I've never felt anything like this before."

I looked into his eyes.

And I felt it...

I felt my heart slowly rip itself apart.

In his eyes, I saw nothing other than love. The way my mom looked at my dad, the way my brother looked at his fiance, the way my grandma looked at my grandpa, was the way he was looking at me.

No, no, no, no. I shouted at myself. I can't be thinking like this, he's a monster, he is a horrible demon, and I can't let myself fall for him.

"I get butterflies every time I see you, or every time I hear you talk. I-I'm not even su-sure how to handle it, I just do-don't know." He stuttered.

I smiled, despite the aching inside my soul, and slowly I leaned in, and pressed my lips to his.

Heres Chapter 22! I really hope you enjoyed this one, I sure loved writing it. <3

Everything at home is going well, my mom and dad are taking turns staying at a hotel, and my brother, and sister and I have grown a lot closer.

But really, I have you guys to thank for it. I know that going through this divorce will be tough, and I know sometimes I'll have to go through some fights, but I know that I will have you guys to depend on, you have made this whole couple of weeks much more bearable and I need to thank you for that! <3

I remember when I started this story, I was like 'Oh, I'll try this, It probably won't get any votes or comments or anything, but whatever, I'm just doing it for fun.' But now, 313,332 reads, and 3,204 votes? Thats crazy, you guys are the best fans ever and I love you to the moon and back darlings! <3

But, enough of the mushy stuff!


Love you guys all so much, and I couldn't have done any of this without you, thank you!


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