Chapter 2- He Came Back.

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Chapter 2- He Came Back.

Bailey's POV


I scurried over to the window, looking down the fire escape. At the bottom I saw him. He was standing still amongst all the people hurrying to get past him, he was looking up at the window. We were staring at each other from a four story difference.

I slammed the window down, creating some sort of a barrier between myself and my attacker. I took a look around my room, white walls, white bed, white dressers, white everything. How could I keep him from breaking through the window? The tall dresser on the other side of the room could block the window... Smirking, I pushed it over. Setting it in front of the window. "Good luck getting in now." I chuckled.

I put on a brave face, telling myself not to be afraid of what I was about to see. Although I probably shouldn't believe the guy who attacked me... He did tell me not to be afraid. I stumbled into the bathroom, and stared back at my reflection. I started to examine the marks on my neck. Two holes right on my jugular vain. They stung like hell. I wet a small cloth and held it to the wound, bringing down the pain and cleaning the blood away from it.

"Vampire." I whispered to myself.

Tears started pouring down my face. My attacker was a vampire, and he had chosen his prey, he was going to come back and I couldn't stop him. I started to breath heavier, my heart beat picking up with it, making my fear much greater. Horrible choking sounds escaped my throat, I sobbed, throwing the damp cloth to the floor. I covered my mouth, trying to muffle the awful noises coming from my mouth.

I took some deep breaths, bringing some sanity back into my brain. He told me not to be afraid... I thought to myself.  I stalked into my bedroom, unzipping my blood stained dress and slipping it onto the floor, leaving me in my undergarments.

I collapsed onto my bed, shutting my eyes instantly, and letting sleep settle in.


I dragged open my weary eyes, blinking a couple of times to clear the cloudiness. The pain in my neck reminded me my uneasiness. I looked to the window, my dresser was still in place, blocking the window. I sighed in relief, getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"You forgot the front door, sweetheart." I heard a low voice behind me.

I whipped around. There he was, that famous smirk I had seen him use so may time plastered on his face.

My mouth dropped open, and I gasped loudly, making him chuckle.

I was startled when he appeared infront of me, his hands grabbed my hips. My breathing hitched in my throat...

The hands... They were cold. Like the first time.

I spun around, meeting him face to face. His blood red eyes staring into mine.

"Please don't kill me!" I begged. "Please!" I cried, letting the tears fall from my eyes. "Don't, don't bite me again... Please!"

"Oh, but your so damn tasty!" He whined in a teasing voice. "And... Your very pretty." He took a strand of my hair, and started to twirl it, wrapping and unwrapping it around his finger.

"Please." It was all I could say, no other thing that I could think of would stop him. "I'll do anything."

"Anything?" he repeated.

"Anything." I assured him.

He looked at him feet and smiled. "You have nothing that I could want, more than that red fluid that runs in your veins." The vampire spoke. "Just one more taste..." He dipped his head into the crook of my neck.

My reflexes were talking now. I slammed my hands onto his chest, sending him stumbling a few feet backward.

Surprise covered his face. "Feisty. I like it." He laughed evilly.

"Don't come near me!" I warned him. Unlike the first time, I wasn't going to let him know that I was afraid.

In the blink of an eye, he flashed from his spot across the room to in front of me.
"Or what?" He taunted.

I couldn't think of anything to say, my heavy breathing filled the room.

"That's what I thought."

This time it took nothing. The next thing I knew, my head was tilted back, and his fangs were embedded in my neck. I could feel the amber liquid being drained from my fragile body. I closed my eyes groggily, letting the blackness overcome the light.


A/N: Update! Hope you all enjoyed! ~LUCIA<3

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