Epilogue #1

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She let out an agonizing scream, and I lunged towards her.

Liam caught my arm and I flew backwards, hitting the wall.

I watched her small and fragile body jerk and flinch. The amount of pain she was in was just about enough to make me go crazy.

I sunk downwards, and buried my face in my hands. "Bailey." I whispered.

"She'll be okay, man. We all went through this, remember?" Niall patted my back.

I nodded. This almost made me regret changing her, seeing my Bailey... My sweet Bailey, in this much discomfort. I don't even know why I did it, I was being selfish. I just want to spend eternity with her... But robbing her of her humanity, and turning her into a demon? Was it really worth it?

All five of us had been sitting here for the past week, watching Bailey scream and jerk. It was terrible, and heart wrenching. Every time I heard a squeal escape her beautiful lips, I lunged forward. I was desperate to stop the pain. I can't even count how many times I let tears fall free down my face.

Bailey let out a huge gasp- catching my attention- and shot up into a sitting position.

"Bailey?" I whispered, breathless.

Her wandering eyes caught on mine, and a smile spread across her lovely face. "Harry."

Her grey eyes darted away from mine, and I followed her line of sight.

I chuckled, realizing a small fly had caught her attention. Her smile faded, and she flashed forward catching the fly in mid air, before loosing her balance, and stumbling backwards.

Niall's quick reflexes reacted, and he caught her before she could fall. "Steady, there." He laughed.

Bailey smiled up at him, before looking at her hand, balled up into a fist and holding the small fly.

"Put him outside." Liam suggested.

She stuck her hand out the open window, and opened up her fist.

I watched as she turned around. Her eyes met with mine, and a wide grin stretched on her face.

Before I could process what was happening, she was in front of me. Her small hand reached to the back of my neck, and she forcefully pulled my neck down. Our lips met in a passionate and heated kiss.

I groaned in surprise against her mouth, and smirked.

She broke away, smiling. "I've been waiting to do that."

As she stepped back, I took the chance to admire her new features. Her hair got slightly fuller, and stronger, and the color stood out more. Her legs were longer, and her curves more visible. Her cheekbones were set higher, and her face looked more structured. Her skin was the same color throughout her body. She looked fresh. Her breathtaking beauty was noticeable before, but now... I felt that there were no words to describe it.

"Whats that smell?" She asked.

"What smell?"

"It smells really good, like a nice steak or some juicy meat." She grinned. Her face started to pale as she closed her eyes, and sniffed the air. She let out a hum and her eyes shot open. The perfect grey that was once captured in her iris' was now gone, and replaced with a frightening red.

Bailey's lip twitched, and she hissed quietly. Her hand wandered towards her mouth, and she touched one of the fangs that poked out.

The sharp point cut through her finger, and a small stream of blood trickled down her index.

During your transformation, 10% of your blood is drank by the vampire changing you, and 89.6% is discintregrated by the venom being injected. That leaves 1.4% of your blood left, and over time, it diappears, having no purpose in the body.

With Bailey being so young, some of the blood still remained in her veins, hense the reason it ran down her finger.

My eyes widened as she smirked.

She brought her finger to her mouth, and sucked off the blood. Her eyes grew a darker shade of red, if even possible. Her head snapped towards the window, and she eye stalked the people below.  

Before I had time to blink, she was across the room. She loomed over the cill, and stepped over, and onto the fire escape. 

I rushed over, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Bailey, stop!" I yelled.

She hissed in response. "Let me go!" 

Her strength surprised me, and she threw me half way across the room. I got up as fast as I could, but it was too late. She was already gone.

"What are you waiting for?" Liam screamed. "Get her!" 

The boys and I followed her trail, her scent was unmaskable, and noticeable from across the town. "Bailey!" I called.

I heard a sharp scream, but not from Bailey's mouth...

I turned and old street corner, coming face to face, with Bailey, and her prey.

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