chapter 1-sunday

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Sundays weren't really pleasant days for meredith. She'd go to work on weekdays,party on Saturdays then church on sundays.sundays are her only make up days cause that's the only way she could cover the black circle around her eyes due to lack of sleep.The only thing that makes her wake up early was her phone.nope it's not an alarm but a call from her boyfriend.he had promised to wake her up every Sunday through a call.
"Red"? Chris and a few other friends are the only ones allowed to call her red."yea I'm awake I'm awake I swear I'm awake!" She replied and jerked off the bed to prepare for church.
"Okay I'll pick you at 9"chris said over the phone.
"Yea sure" she replied.
Make up doesn't take too much time for red.though her make up wasn't like those girls in the was just powder and a pitch lip stick.

" Hey I'm outside,you ready?"
 "Yea I'm on my way out chris".Chris is a patient man and that is one of the reasons she likes him.he prefer silence over petty argument.
Singing is red's favourite part in the church service.though she doesn't have and angelic voice but its not the type to be ashamed of since she's barely ashamed of anything.tge church service lasted for two hours and member were greeting each other but red and Chris prefer going home.
Moments with Chris is a wonderful thing with red as they talked about a friend Chris would love red to meet but she was about to disagree when another car hit happened so fast as red fought to open her eyes.she couldn't hear anything.she turned her head to face chris to see if he's okay but her eyes met someone unconscious with blood stained over his shirt dripping from his head and neck.she maneged to free herself from the sit belt and reached to Chris.
  "No chris,hey,open your eyes your eyes babe I'm your eyes".red said as she hears faint voices of people coming to her rescue.she struggled to get Chris out of the car but her  whole body was weak.she could someone's hands on her shoulder trying to get her out of the car.
"Chris chris save chris save him,please" she managed to talk with the little strength she has as she looked to the opposite direction and saw a its not a man it's a lady no its struggled to get a clear picture of the person inside the van that is looking at her with a straight face.she couldn't see the person's face cause of the mask the person was wearing and immediately the van started when the sound  siren was heard from a far say red was confused is an understatement but she made herself think it's just some random person that witnessed the accident."I can't die,no not now.not me.not!" She fought with herself
"What's your name ma'am?"
"Red.meredith harper"
"Ok red,we need you to calm down okay? we're on our way to the hospital. We'll get you there as soon as we can".red couldn't open her eyes to see who was talking to her but she knew the person was helping.taking her somewhere safe.
"Chris?chris where is he?"red asked
"Take her to the hospital while I take care of the other body".the lady said while dropping red gently at the back sit."other body? What do they mean other body?no chris is alive,right?". she is ready to get out of the car to get Chris but her body was just too weak to stand up."its all a dream red you need to wake need to wake up red!"she thought to her self.
Red tried to open her eyes to know where she was but all she could manage to see is a man.she couldn't see his face.he looked at her from the front mirror to check if she's okay.
"Save the girl then treat her"he said to himself.all he will do is save her.he knew nothing about her except she's a victim of an accident.he thought of taking her to his home but he knew daniel won't accept him bringing a total stranger to their home."ugh fuck it!"he cursed.he has no choice.he saw the people that cursed the accident.he knew them.he was pursuing them when the accident was meant to b a distraction for him and went as planned.
"Fuck" he cursed again.this time he didn't think of what daniel would do to him.he needs to save the girl in his car, wipe her memory then drive her back to wherever she came from."just focus liam, one has to have done this before.dont chicken out" he said as he turned the steering wheel to the left side of the street,taking red with him.

**Hello!I know you might not be satisfied with the first chapter but I promise you it keeps getting better and better.please comment and vote so I'll know what you think of my story if there's anyway to do better.thank you😘

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