chapter 15- Equals

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" let him go shadow" peter said. Still pointing the gun at shadow. "Tsk tsk tsk not so fast my friend. You see, you chose violence over peace. I could just have the girl without the life of your friend in the line" shadow replied.

" What's going on here?" A voice asked from behind as peter and shadow looked over thier shoulders to see who is it.

"Ah pony's back. How was the date?" Shadow asked grinnin

"It was good. It ended up being a double date with meredith and her boyfriend" pony said

"Boyfriend? I thought he's dead" peter said

"Yea yea she got a new one" pony replied rolling her eyes. "Ah women!" Shadow said.

"Put the fucking gun down shadow. And why is Ace on the floor?" Pony asked. Struggling to help ace back up.

"Uh what are you doing?" Shadow asked. Her actions suprised him. "You're supposed to kill this fucker right here!"

Pony heaved. She didn't know what is going on either. " I'll be back" she said and hurriedly left the room. She got into her room and looked at herself in the mirror. "You don't wanna do it do you?" "Her grandfather fucking killed your family!" What wayne said flashed back to her. " It's her grandfather. I don't have to do THIS". Pony tried to convince herself  but she had agreed to work with shadow for a reason. That reason. For revenge.

Ugh! Angrily she turned the table and scattered everything in her room

"You okay?"

"Yes. Leave" pony replied without looking at wayne. He's the last person she wants to see right now.

"Okay" wayne's replied

Pony lay down on her bed, confused about the whole situation. Why doesn't she want meredith with them? Why did she stop shadow from shooting peter? Why did she help ace? The thought of all this made her angry as she got off her bed and went to meet shadow.

"What's was that for pony" shadow asked. "Why would you help those bastards?" Shadow asked surprisingly not yelling at her.

"I don't know okay? I didn't mean to. I'm sorry". Pony replied walking past shadow. " I need some sleep".


""Let her go boss. I think her date ditched her" wayne said

"Maybe" shadow replied


"Ugh finally!" Liam said seeing the arrival of peter and Ace.

"Shut the fuck up and get ace" peter said

" What the hell happened peter?" Liam asked.

" He was hit with a vase" peter replied and he and liam dragged ace to the bathroom. " Turn the shower" .

Ace jolted up. "What the fuck happened? Where's meredith? Is she hurt?"

"Calm down buddy. She wasn't with shadow' peter replied. Somehow those words seem to calm him. " We have to get her before they do. We have to do something" ace said.

" I'll go to the coffee shop tommorow" liam said

"What? Fuck no!" Peter replied.

" Let him go peter. I'm not sure you can make her change her mind anyways" ace replied rolling his eyes.

" Fine okay. You leave by 8a.m tommorow" peter said heading to his room.

"I can go whenever I feel like it" liam replied

"What did you just say?" Peter asked turning around to face liam

"I'm not going by 8, I will choose the time I want to go" liam replied

"And you think your timing will be perfect? We have to get her before pony does!"

"You know for one thing peter.... You're not the boss of me" liam said back. "You don't get to order me around, you do t get to tell me when and when nit to do something. We are partners. We don't have a boss so stop acting like one"

"Well maybe if you act like an adult that you are then I won't order you around" peter said. Grabbing Liam's shirt.

" Let him go peter." Ace said. "He's right" . Peter glanced at ace.

"Fine" peter said, letting go off Liam's shoulder.

" Don't fuck it up liam" ace said. Leaving liam.

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