chapter 8- Human

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It's been a month since red left the loft.itsbeen two months since chris death.its been a month since she came outside.

Life doesn't feel the same for never will be without chris. What would she do?she has no friends?no one to console her.she was a alone. Again. Red had tried going back to where she was working before the whole accident occured but unfortunately for her, she had been replaced with someone else.

"Just give me a chance sir,I promise I'll catch up with where I left  before the accident" red had managed to change her boss mind but his answer still remains the same

"I'm sorry miss harper.i can't possibly fire my new employee". Red has heard these words over and over again hoping he'd change his mind one day.she needs someone to get her mind off chris death but it still keeps playing in her head.its keeps her awake at night. Red was still think when her phone rang.

"Miss Harper?" The unknown voice said over the sounded like a lady's voice but it is deep.she could tell she's in her mid 30s.


"Okay you have been hired in Mandy's coffee shop. You start on Monday,8a.m" the unknown person said and ended the call immediately before red could even get a chance to thank her. "Finally!. Today is Saturday.normlly they were her party days but now she doesn't think partying would make her forget the pain.Making up her mind, she stood up from the bed she has been laying in and headed to the bathroom.


"Stop following her around ace,she wouldn't like that" liam said. Since red left ace has been following looking out for her.they al knew shadow wants to turn meredith against them." I can't help it man.what if they go after her?" Ace said with worry in his voice

"They won't." Liam replied."she's probably trying to get over her boyfriend's death and the last thing she needs right now is us".

"Hey daddy" theo jumped happily on his dad." Hey son"

"Where is meredith?" Theo asked

"She went for grocery shopping...umm she'll be back in five" liam lied. "Oh ok." Theo replied and hurriedly went back to the room he shares with his dad.

"While meredith was here,she mentioned enrolling theodore in a school" peter said

"Yea she's right" liam agreed. "How about the school down town" ace asked

"The one close to Mandy's coffee shop?" Peter asked."yup" liam replied pooping the 'p' sound. "Yea okay. I'll try that one" peter said. Peter had always been scared of enrolling theo in a school. They work undercover,he wouldn't let his son be seen in public even if his mom wants to see him, she'd have to come to the loft.she had left peter when theo was 4. They would always argue about leaving the loft to get a real home and start a new life but peter wasn't ready for all of that.For him to convince her to let theo live with him wasn't easy neither. If his enemies can't get to him, they'd always want to get him through theo and putting theo in danger isn't what he wants. Then he decided to hire a home tutor for him even when he knew it wasn't helping. He just couldn't risk it.


It's monday morning,Red's first day at work. She had at her alarm at 6:45a.m. red had almost forgotten what it feels like to have a job. Without the help of her alarm she wouldn't have even gotten up at that time.

"I'm up I'm up.i swear I'm up"  red said not fully awake.if she could,she would lay down in bed all day but she needs the money and also she needed that distraction.she hurriedly got out if bed and made her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.she opened the refrigerator and found nothing in there for her to eat except for bread. "At least I've got a job"   red thought to herself and sighed.


"Did you bring the girl?" Shadow asked. "I saw her " pony replied.facing the ground so that shadow won't see the mark Ace left on her face.pony is shadow's favourite bounty hunter. She has never failed a tasked yet here she is,a mere girl she couldn't capture.

"Why?" Shadow asked, coming closer to pony and raised her chin. "And you're face?"

"I got it while I was fighting in the loft with Ace" she replied with fear. "Mmm I see.giu have another chance pony.get her this time"shadow said

"She's no longer in the loft boss. She left after she discovered the truth about chris"

"Mmm our little meredith. Go after her where she is.Do whatever it takes to bring her to me. Those bastards  will see what I'm capable of" shadow said with a scary tone that made pony shook. Whenever shadow uses that tone of voice,it means war. though they were only three but they still have the back of the best fighters in town. But they still couldn't get to shadow.

Yikes! Shadow is one scary dude.find out if pony will be able to get red in the next chapter.tell me what you think about this chapter in the comment section and please don't forget to vote 😊

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