chapter 4-lies

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"what the hell peter?"liam yelled "why would you say that?"
"What the fuck was I supposed to tell her huh?your fucking boyfriend is dead and we are undercover cop?!"peter yelled back
"What the fuck you mean undercover cop.we are nothing near a cop peter"liam replied.they do the job of a cop except they eliminate the bad people instead of leaving them in a prison.
"I don't know guys.what if she finds out who we are?what if she finds out chris is dead?what if she finds out who caused the accident?what do we say?"ace asked.none of them wants to hurt her.they all think she's fragile because she's a female
"What if she can handle it all?"liam asked
"What if you shut the fuck up?" Peter snapped."she's a female.she can't handle it"
"Because she's a female you think she can't handle it?ace asked
"Pony is a fucking villian.a female murderer.meredith won't be that soft"
"That bitch was trained okay?"peter replied.
  Pony has been working with shadow for a long time.she had learned how to kill,hurt and break people with no was her idea for wayne to hit a car,cause a scene and let liam get distracted.killing people at that moment wasn't part of the plan.but she felt nothing anyway.
"Go" pony said to wayne after they had noticed they caused an accident.
"What about the people?" Wayne asked
"They always find a fucking drive let's get out of here before the bastard catches up with us".pony said as wayne started the van and zoomed off.
   " Hi" theo greeted red as he enters her room."my daddy let me come play with you but I have give minutes".
"Your daddy?"red asked.unsure of who theo was talking about.
" dad's name is peter.and I'm Theodore.please call me theo"
"Okay theo.i'm meredith."
"Nice to meet you meredith"theo said
" Well it's not nice to be in this place"meredith replied waiting for theo to answer but instead he went over  to play with a his toy robot he left in red's would have found being alone with theo as an opportunity to ask him what his dad do.
"Hey theo"
"Yup"theo replied
"Um why do you live in a loft?"red asked
"You'd have to ask uncle liam or uncle ace that"theo replied without bothering to look her."smart kid" red thought to herself.but she wasn't willing to let the conversation die down.
"You like this place theo?"red asked again
"Yup"theo replied
"But you have no friends don't go you go to school?red asked
"I have you as friend"theo replied and immediately left red's has been in this loft for three days and she hasn't still been allowed to leave yet.she never really had much friends.just she and Chris with a few of chris friend.she never had her own friend.All she want is to leave the loft and go find chris wherever he is. She didn't mind anyone looking for her,even if anyone would look for her it would be chris' friends looking for her.But they know Chris is dead and also assumed red is dead too even though they couldn't find her body.
"Meredith?". Ace's voice made meredith jump because she was deep in thought
"Hey I'm sorry to scare you.are you okay?"Ace asked with worry in his voice.
"Yea I'm okay thanks"red replied.ace nodded his head and was about to leave the room when meredith called him
"Hey umm..."
"Ace.its Ace"
"Okay right ace.peter told me you guys are into that true or he's using that to scare me?"red asked
"Yeah it's true.liam injected you with one while you were here"ace lied
"Oh" was all red could say before ace left the room.

  Oops!I know this chapter is super short 🤓but I promise the next chapter will be longer.dont forget to vote and comment

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