Raven POV:

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The ground was cold... The air was thin... He world was red. Azarath.....
I looked down as I hid my face in my hood but it was too late. A pale face flew above me as his long hair tasseled in my face.
"How's the green one?" He laughed.
I had just arrived and was already infuriated. "How do you know about-" I paused to think of Beast Boy and his warm smile "him!"
"I couldn't let my babe go unprotected on that goodie goodie planet earth now could I?"
"I am not your BABE!" I screamed making my vocal chords hurt.
I looked at his deep, red eyes that I once loved, now like a puddle of lies. His red collared shirt was now a sign of how much I despised him. The fangs my lips once touched were now a stone cold memory.
He could tell how mad I was as he smirked.
"Well, I see your rage. I have something that can fix that" he said as I cursed at him.
He shoved me near a large lake and I gasped. "Trigon's pit!" I gasped. This couldn't happen! The pit was my biggest fear. The consequences are enormous! The lake was rumoured to be full of dead souls! (Which is pretty cool but....)
The vampire laughed. "Time to make you do whatever I say..." He cackled. My heart raced faster than a cheetah! What would he do? Send me to face Beast Boy? Oh I missed his green, toothy smile. Hi elveish ears reminded me of home. With him I felt... Free. I was in a state of shock. What would I do now....

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