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I felt my cheeks turn red as everyone turned to face me.

Suddenly, I couldn't eat anymore and my stomach churned with embarrassment.

'I'm so sorry Liz.' I told her, watching as she stood up and wiped the food left onto her plate into the bin.

Luke's scent just hung in the air, reminding us of what had just happened.

'It's not your fault Scarlet.' She told me, but her voice sounded somewhat strained.

'I'm sorry I brought it up.' Jess joined in.

The awkwardness around us just lay heavily there, barely daring anyone to even breathe.

'Girls!' Liz laughed, turning to face us. The sudden loudness in her voice broke through the silence. 'It is none of your faults. Luke's just going through a...

'Phase.' Liz and Jess said together as I thought of it, also at the same time.

I bit back a laugh, such an inappropriate thing at a time like that.

The thing I couldn't do at that point was look into Ollie's eyes. I could just imagine the disappointment on his face, his disappointment in me, even though I hadn't done anything wrong.

So I just avoided his gaze, praying that Luke would be back before Ollie's bed time.

This summer was going to be more complicated than I though.


[Luke's POV]

I slammed the door shut, feeling the familiar touch of it scraping off my fingers as it shut with a loud noise.

I hoped Scar had heard it.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I thought about where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do.

The wind blew in my face, cooling me down a little and reminding me of where I wanted to go.

The skate park.

I grabbed my skateboard from where it was lying up against a wall and pushed myself towards the park.

But I couldn't get my mind off of that stupid fucking girl.

The skate park was empty, but it was just what I wanted.

I let my legs carry me from there, taking me where they craved to go. My mind just raced from thought to thought, unable to be responsible for anything else besides over thinking.

Like usual, I thought of my dad again. The same fucking story every day, and the same way I tried to twist it to make it sound less...horrible. I told myself the idealized story over and over again, but reality was always there tapping on my goddam shoulder.

I was a fucking reject.

Then I thought about Ollie. How I was such a bad brother to him and how he just deserved so much better than what I gave him. My little man was stuck with a fucked up brother.

Then, after I had strained every bit of my brain thinking about everything bothering me, I thought about the girl.

Her name was Scar and she was the biggest asshole I had ever met. Well second if you counted myself. She had this...cockiness to her. It drived me nuts.

And after I'd decide that she wasn't worth my time, I'd step off the skateboard, allowing my brain to stop over thinking and to feel the pain through my legs that skateboarding had given me.

It was that day that my routine was changed.

'Hey mate.' Ashton Irwin approached me, putting out his hand for a casual greeting.

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