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"Who-who are you?" I asked again, as I stumbled towards my house.

But before she could answer me, another wave of sadness hit me, and I burst into tears again.

"Oh dear..." The girl mumbled, pulling me close to her.

I could barely make out where we were, and everywhere just looked dark and foggy.

My eyes focused onto my familiar car, the keys still hanging in the ignition and the door swung open carelessly.

"We're here." I whispered, chiding myself for doing such a stupid thing. I couldn't let Ashton bring me down like this. It wasn't right.

Yet, my aching heart told me otherwise.

"Is this your car?" She asked, handing me the umbrella.

I moved my head up and down.


I watched her as she took the keys out and locked the door.

"C'mon." She smiled, pulling me up the front stairs. "Let's go inside."


I dived into the sofa and just lay there, feeling the harsh material against my skin.

"You look like a fish." The girl laughed, turning up the heating.

I just groaned.

"Let me guess." She continued, taking off her coat and putting it on the couch. "Heartbreak?"

"Mhmmm." I said, most of the words drowning into the sofa cushion.

"Do you have hot chocolate?" She asked, pulling me up from the sofa. I wriggled away from her touch, furrowing my face into a pout.

I did not feel like people.

"Yeah." I sighed, sprawling myself across my couch once again. I lazily reached out for the tv remote, intending not to move myself another inch.

"It's...too...far." I burst out, new tears springing into my eyes. "It's just not fair. I-I was a good girlfriend. I was." I reassured myself, sobbing.

"I'm sure you were a great girlfriend." She shouted to me, probably making the hot chocolate in the kitchen.

What was she doing? This wasn't even her house and yet she was totally taking over! I didn't even know her.

Yet all I could do was lie down and drown in my sorrows.

"Look." She said, walking into the living room again, her shoes making a loud sound with every footstep. She placed down a massive tub of ice-cream and the mug of hot chocolate. "I got you some sugar to calm you down. On second thought, that doesn't really make sense..."

"Some." I repeated, obviously too worried about how fattening this shit was. Even so, I grabbed the massive spoon and stuck it right in the centre of the tub and into my mouth.

The girl sat herself neatly on the other couch, crossing her legs and peering at my face.

I stared back, stuffing my mouth with the delicious chocolate ice-cream, letting the flavour burst onto my tongue.

Finally calm enough to talk, I decided to break the ice.

"So." I began, licking my spoon in a very unattractive way. "I guess everyone just gains 10 pounds after a break up." I laughed, yet I couldn't have imagine my voice to be any more strained than it was.

"Yeah..." She agreed, fiddling with a lose thread in her skirt. "Oh." She said, looking up at me in shock. "I haven't made my introductions! I'm so sorry for just barging in like this, I saw you crying and I was just like I really need to help this girl but I was like not sure if I should and-"

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