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I stepped back and shut the book.

My head was spinning and the world felt hazy and weird.

What had I just stumbled upon?

I shakily put the book back into its slot on the bookshelf and made my way to a long mirror besides the door of Olly's room.

Could this explain why Luke didn't know how to trust people?

I shivered as I peered down at my reflection, my eyes red and puffy and tears rolling down onto my cheeks.

I heard Olly call me in the distance but that didn't matter right now.

I grabbed the mirror instantly as the world began to spin again, to get hold of my balance, but somehow I missed and tumbled to the floor.

Confused, I lifted myself up, ignoring the pounding headache I had.

How had I missed the mirror?

I shakily lifted up my hand and touched the mirror again.

My hand went right through it.

"What the-" I whispered, moving my hand in and out of the mirror.

I crossed my arms and stared at it, utterly confused. And it didn't help that everything was hazy and spinning.

And in an instant, my headache pierced through my head in a sudden burst of pain and I automatically reached up to touch my head.

The whole world went out of focus and I felt myself falling into the mirror.

I couldn't see and I definitely couldn't move, but all I could feel was myself falling into darkness.

I wasn't sure I was myself anymore, I was just tumbling into blackness.

And then I hit the ground.



My mind was awake, but somehow I couldn't move my body or make my eyes open.

My brain filled with consciousness all at once as my hands finally decided to obey me and pull myself up to a sitting position.

And strangely enough the only word I could find in my head was


I brushed a few raindrops off of my clothes and looked up at the night sky.

I was right next to the skate park next to my house. And I had just broke up with Ashton.

I remembered that at least.

But something was there, lingering at the tip of my memory.

But I couldn't remember, I couldn't open the memory.

Deciding it was probably just something stupid, I began to pull myself up to go back home.

My body felt stiff as if I had been asleep for months and not hours.

But a quick look at my phone for the date told me otherwise.

And as I was about to stand up I noticed something on the floor.

A piece of writing which was drawing me towards it for some reason was imprinted there, into the gravel floor.

I squinted and leaned forward, a shiver running down my spine as soon as I read the note:

You have to save him.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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