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"Oh my god Luke sit down." I whispered, looking around and waiting for the doctor to burst in at any second. "You're going to break something!"

Luke rolled his eyes at me.

"Chill Scar. Look, I'm a doctor." He laughed at himself, trying to listen to his own heartbeat through the stethoscope. "My heartbeat makes a pretty sick beat!"

I was pretty damn sure he didn't have a concussion.

"Luke, sit down. Please?" I insisted, shaking my legs with impatience.

"Listen." He said, sighing loudly. "I want this to be over and done with too, okay? And your nagging isn't making this any better."

I raised my eyebrows up at him.

"Oh wow listen to you..."

Just then the doorknob turned loudly, possessing Luke to jump back into the black seat near me.

I couldn't help letting out a bubble of laughter. Luke was such a confusing person I just couldn't seem to understand him.

"Is anything wrong Miss?" The doctor asked, stopping himself from saying whatever he was about to say to peer at me from over his glasses. "Or funny?"

"Yes, Scarlet." Luke joined in, putting on a fake smile and leaning forward onto his palms and cupping his chin. "What is so hilarious?"

I felt like slapping that smile right off his face.

But I didn't of course.

"Oh no." I said, clearing my throat. "Just uh thinking of something, that's all. My apologies doctor. Please uh go on." I smiled sweetly back at Luke, who had wiped the smile off his face and was now concentrated on the doctor.

I wriggled my nose, trying to ignore the heavy smell of antiseptic which seems to be splashed everyone around any clinic or hospital. Let's just say I didn't particularly love the smell.

"...and you Miss...?" The doctor asked, implying that I tell him my name.

"Uh Scarlet." I answered, anxious because I didn't want him to ask me anything about what he had just said. I had not been paying attention.

"Yes mm. Why are you here exactly?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. I didn't even want to look at Luke at that point.

"I...um." I stuttered, my cheeks burning hot with embarrassment.

"Hmm. Go and uh...get a cool glass of water, yes, for Mr. Hemmings why don't you? He hit his head pretty hard." He smiled at Luke.

"Sure.' I answered, standing up slowly. I'll get a glass for," I turned to Luke. "Mr. Hemmings." I smiled at him sarcastically. He smiled back, sarcastically again, of course.

Once out into the empty corridor, I felt like I could relax a little, however Ashton's waiting talk couldn't help tapping onto my brain. I had screwed up big time and I wasn't looking forward to getting home.

Lost in my thoughts, I ran into a girl, shoving my shoulders into hers. Pulled out of my worries, I looked up into the blond teenager.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized, watching as she rubbed her shoulder with her hand, her blue eyes creasing with pain.

"It's ok." She answered, giving me a small smile. "I know it wasn't on purpose."

"Yeah." I breathed, relieved that I wasn't going to have to get into a fight or anything like that. Then, watching her awkwardly stare at me, I figured I needed to say something else.

"I'm just getting water for my uh friend?" I said, questioning the word friend. I didn't even know where Luke and I stood.

"Oh cool. I'm looking for my brother. He should be around...somewhere." She laughed, checking her phone for what I'm guessing was a text.

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