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"And that's the difference between DNA and RNA." The teacher sighed. She looked totally bored as well. "Everyone got it?"

I groaned softly, not loud enough for the teacher to hear. Was the lesson ever going to finish? I stared at the second hand on the clock in front of me, as it ticked slowly inching closer and closer...

"Scarlet?" The teacher snapped, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Got it, miss." I confirmed, sliding my gaze away from her and back onto the clock. I waited for an inappropriate comment from someone, saying that it was a shocker I knew all this stuff, but none came.

"But uh miss." This guys shouted from the back of the class, fluttering his hand in the air to get her attention. "I thought they were the same thing."

The whole class turned to face him, since he had just asked exactly what the teacher had been explaining throughout the whole lesson.

"Kevin." The teacher sighed, shaking her head. "I-"

Just then the bell rang, making me jump slightly even though it was the noise I'd been waiting for.

"Class, class." The teacher said, shouting to get her voice over the loud fidgeting as everyone stood up to leave. "I haven't assigned your homework yet..."

Of course every teacher had to do this to us- give us homework after we had already packed our stuff.

"Page 349..." I heard faintly, as I slipped out the door and into the colder corridor. I could ask someone for the homework later, I figured. Someone meaning Ash or Cal since I didn't really have any friends.

The cold breeze of the school corridors brushed against my bare arms making the hairs rise.

Of course I knew every single biological explanation for this.
In detail.

"Hey..." Ashton said, rubbing his large hands up and down my arms. "You're freezing.." He pouted, pulling me into a tight hug, probably trying to emit his body heat onto mine.

"I'm fine Ash." I laughed, dragging his body to the side of the corridor so that the students didn't have to be forced to seeing us go all googled eyed.

He tilted his head to look at my face, the bright sunlight coming in from the large windows making him squint. I couldn't help scrunching my nose as he slipped off his hoodie and slid it onto my shoulders.

"You don't have to..." I squeaked, flapping the massive sleeves in his face.

"Oh but I do." He answered, holding the door open for me.

The walk home was particularly silent, and my heart quickened more and more after every step closer to the skater park.

Luke Hemmings.

The name seemed to echo around my body. For once in my life, I couldn't think of a scientific explanation for the situation.

"Babe." Ash broke the silence, rubbing his hands on his jeans.
"What's wrong? You're swearing onto my palms." He laughed, pushing his hair out of his face.

I waited, listening to the sound of the leaves crunching under our feet. I could feel their confusion, falling off the tree ever so suddenly, turning a different colour and texture and then just being crushed by us.

"Just admiring the leaves." I laughed. Even to me, my voice sounded strained.

Why was I so nervous?

We rounded the corner to the skate park, a road that could not be avoided to get to our street.

My heart must've stopped as my eyes rose to the highest half pipe. That blonde hair ever so tall always lacking a helmet. Those legs every girl including myself would die to have. Those eyes that even though were so far away from me still looked as blue as the ocean.

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