Chapter 3...

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Galxia's POV I know I changed my outfit a few days ago with Celeste but

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Galxia's POV
I know I changed my outfit a few days ago with Celeste but... after the class trial I think I should wear something that I like...
I used my creative power to make a new outfit
The corpses are probably gone now...
I head outside and headed to the Dining hall
I could careless if Leon was dead
(Sorry for people who like Leon)
I mean my persona is fake anyways
"Sorry I'm late..."
Makoto said
"Sorry I'm late to I guess"
I said
"Hey...are you okay, Star, Makoto?"
Hina said
But I will admit it did hit me to know that Sayaka was dead
"You both sure took your sweet time! I was just about to go get you both and drag you back here!"
Taka said
Makoto said
I rolled my eyes
"So? What happened? Was your room fixed up like he said?  I imagine it would be pretty hard to sleep with a rotting corpse in your bathroom!"
Taka said
"That- that's messed Taka, why the hell would you say that"
I said
"My room was...spotless. There wasn't anything left. Like the whole thing...never happened."
Makoto said
"It must be tough staying there, knowing what happened. Why don't you just stay in Sayaka's room?"
Sakura said
"Well...staying there, with her scent still hanging in the air... That would hurt just as much. Plus... I've decided that I can't turn away from her death..."
Makoto said
"M-Makoto... Hey, cheer up! Getting depressed isn't gonna help anything, right? If we all work together, I'm sure we'll find a way out of here! So everyone just...try and cheer up and get back on track!"
Hina said
"I don't think that would work, we did already didn't we? We never found anything remember? Not counting the dorms"
I said
"Is that honestly supposed to make us feel better?"
"Is that honestly supposed to make us feel better?"
Byakuya said
Hina said
"Star is right, we were already "working together" and yet someone was still murdered. Anyone could betray us at this point. Now that it's happened once, it's a question of when, not if, the next one takes place."
Byakuya said
"Yeah, because S-Sayaka made the first move..."
Toko said
"So at anytime anyone could attack us"
I said
"B-But... if we work together against the mastermind, nobody'll have any reason to do something like that!"
Hina said
"No, not exactly"
I said
"Keep telling yourself that. I'll be over here in the real world. Working together, fighting a common enemy... Like it or not, it's not that simple."
Byakuya said
"It never is that simple"
I said
"What do you mean?"
Hifumi said
"The mastermind seems to be much more powerful than we ever suspected. They took over Hope's Peak, which was supposed to be well defended, then modified it to fit their desire. They created Monokuma, which seems to be incredibly advanced, and they're providing for our every need. And the cherry on top is the execution we witnessed. Everything has been planned down to the last excruciating detail. This is not the work of your everyday psychopath. Defying them may be too great a risk..."
Celeste said
"Then...what are we supposed to do?"
Sakura said
"Anyone who truly does want to escape...will just have to follow the rules. In which case, the only option is to deceive those around you, and win the game."
Byakuya said
Chihiro said
I said
"No what?"
Byakuya said
"I don't want to live...if it means killing someone else to do it. I don't want to kill anyone else."
Chihiro said
"Sounds like you want to commit suicide...."
I said
"Anyone...else? What do you mean?"
Hiro said
"Leon died because we all voted for him, right? It's no different from us killing him ourselves!"
Chihiro said
"I don't really care about Leon but continue"
I said
Hiro said
"If we hadn't voted for him, then we all woulda died instead, right...? That isn't what you wanted, is it...?"
Hina said
"Hina's right, it us all or Leon, and it was Leon"
I said
"She's right. If you heap that kind of blame on yourself, you'll turn into a full-fledged masochist."
Hifumi said
"Chihiro, listen... You're not to blame. Not you, not Leon, and not Sayaka. The mastermind is responsible for everything that's happened. We had no choice but to vote. I can't even imagine what would've happened to us if we'd refused. And in the end, it was Monokuma who ultimately killed Leon! So don't waste your anger on yourself... Instead, direct it at the mastermind!"
Makoto said
The TV made some noises then monokuma was on the screen
"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Oh, and one other thing... It was totally obvious before that you were trying to make yourselves feel better and justify what you did. See you, see you, don't see you, see you! That's about how much I can see you, even when you try to hide! Now pay attention and remember this well! The burden of judging others is a heavy one to bear. So be well aware of your actions! Order and stability rely on the sacrifice and responsibility of everyone! Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..."
Monokuma said
"What w-was that about just n-now...?"
Toko said
"Was he saying it's out fault what happened? That's pretty cruel, man..."
Hiro said
"That piece of shit! Who does he think he is!?"
Mondo said
"Technically it is our fault Leon is dead but whatever like I care"
I said
I created a Grape Patna opened it then started to drink it
"Hey! Now your gonna really make us feel guilty! I thought you were on our side!"
Hina said
"Good I meant to, I'm only on my side, everyone should know who to trust, and I'm not one of them, Ehehehe, my name isn't even Star Moonlight."
I said
"You fucking lied!?"
Mondo said
"Yeah I did so what you gonna punch me? If you are don't waste your energy MonBitch"
I said and started to walk away
"And if you want my real name and Talent it's Galxia Akumu, The Ultimate Liar"
I said with a smirk on my face

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